Yeast Genetics Meeting 2022

August 17–21, 2022 | University of California, Los Angeles | #Yeast22

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About #Yeast22

The Yeast Genetics Meeting is the premier meeting for students, postdoctoral scholars, research staff, and principal investigators studying various aspects of eukaryotic biology in yeast, a major experimental model for understanding human cell biology and mechanisms of human disease. Over its 40-year history, the conference has featured cutting-edge research spanning a diverse array of topics, including disease models and aging; evolution and population genetics; gene regulation; genomics and systems biology, and more. In addition to an exciting lineup of Invited Speakers, the 2022 meeting will feature abstract-driven Platform and poster sessions and a wide range of professional development and networking events for every career stage.

UCLA Royce Hall

Join us at UCLA

After meeting virtually at TAGC 2020 Online, we are delighted that this year’s Yeast Genetics Conference will be held in person at the University of California, Los Angeles in beautiful southern California.

Virtual Attendance

We would love to see everyone in Los Angeles, though we realize some may not be able to travel. For those who can’t make it to #Yeast22 at UCLA, virtual registration will offer opportunities to present as well as online access to abstract-driven oral presentations, poster PDFs, professional development events, and more.

Invited Speakers

Tom Petes

Tom Petes

Lifetime Achievement Award

Trisha Davis

Trisha Davis

Winge-Lindegren Address

Maya Schuldiner

Maya Schuldiner

Ira Herskowitz Award

Michael Desai

Michael Desai

Lee Hartwell Lecture

Learn more

Thank you to our Premier Sponsors

Flexible Registration Options

We understand that making future travel plans may be difficult right now. Registrants may change their registration from in-person to virtual or from virtual to in-person.

Safely reunite in Los Angeles

In addition to implementing a vaccination mandate for all in-person attendees, GSA will adhere to the latest CDC, state, and local guidelines to create the safest possible meeting environment. Please review our Conference Policies for full policy information on vaccinations, cancellations, Code of Conduct, and registration changes.

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Genetics Society of America

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is an international community of biologists from all career stages and more than 50 countries.

Conference Dates

August 17–20, 2022


Abstract Submission Deadline

April 28, 2022

Submit Abstract
