Yeast22 Slack

The #Yeast22 Slack workspace is a place to meet and chat with other attendees.

Join and create chat channels based on your interests.

The #Yeast22 Slack has channels for getting technical help, discussing new papers and preprints, sharing job ads, and connecting with other attendees around shared interests.

Users will automatically be added to the channels meant for all attendees (all “a_” channels) but will need to add themselves to additional channels they’re interested in. There are instructions below for finding and joining channels.

New to Slack?

Code of conduct

When you register for the Conference you agree to abide by the GSA Conferences Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct was established to communicate a transparent set of standards and guidelines for acceptable behavior at GSA Conferences and to provide a positive, safe, and welcoming environment for all attendees. The Slack will be moderated for disruptive behavior, and anyone violating the Code of Conduct will be removed.
