All oral presentations (plenary and platform sessions) will be available for registered attendees to view online until May 30, 2025. In the Conference App, use the “Click to access recording of…” (shown in the screenshot below) to view your recording of choice.
Note: If you’re using the desktop version of the App, your browser may ask you to allow pop-ups from Please select “Allow.” If a prompt does not appear and the recording does not open, please change your browser’s privacy settings to allow pop-ups.
Using a desktop or laptop? Launch the Desktop App ≫
Using an Apple iOS or Android mobile device? The code for the event is DROS25. Download on the App Store or Google Play.
You will need to log in to the App using your registration badge ID number and last name. Your badge number is listed in your registration confirmation email, which was sent from the address You can also find it on the bottom of your badge.
We recommend you build your schedule in the App before the meeting starts:
Deaf Ear Scientists has created a list of different speech-to-text software options for desktop and mobile use.
When you register for the conference you agree to abide by the GSA Conferences Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct was established to communicate a transparent set of standards and guidelines for acceptable behavior at GSA Conferences and to provide a positive, safe, and welcoming environment for all attendees. All sessions will be moderated for disruptive behavior.