For Presenters

This page is home base for conference presenters. It will be updated with links to information, instructions, and resources for those presenting either posters or talks, closer to the meeting dates.

Workshop speakers should coordinate with the workshop organizer(s) for instructions on their presentation.

Register no later than January 21, 2025 to confirm your presentation. 

Author Abstract Assignments ≫

Oral Presenter Guidelines ≫

Poster Presenter Guidelines ≫

Poster Upload Instructions ≫


Guidance For Visual Media

Buckland K. Accessibility in PowerPoint: Presentations and dyslexia. BrightCarbon. 2017.

Crameri F. Scientific colour maps. Zenodo. 2018.

Jones OK. Accessibility in PowerPoint: Presentations for people with colour blindness. BrightCarbon. 2019.

Crameri F, Shephard GE, Heron PJ. The misuse of colour in science communication. Nat Commun. 2020;11:5444.

Read useful poster presentation tips in a blog post by Gavin Rice published in Genes to Genomes.

Find additional resources for conference attendees by visiting the Attendee Resources page.
