Worm Art Show

The C. elegans community is fortunate to have generated many wonderful biological images and artistic renditions of worms over the years. The C. elegans community is especially blessed with a very large pool of highly talented, creative and entertaining people which makes our close community quite unique!

The Worm Art Show is unarguably one of the highlights of the International Worm Meetings. As a new feature, we would like to introduce behind-the-scenes (BTS) clips along with the artwork you will bring to Glasgow in June 2023. We encourage you to create a one to two-minute video clip to show the motivation and evolution of the artwork you will bring. Please upload these videos with your submission.

The Worm Art show will take place during the poster sessions. Please bring your work and set up on the first day of the poster sessions. There will be a row of poster boards and tables on which to place items.

We always have an excellent turnout, and we expect that there will be many awesome entries this year. Many past winners have gone on to become faculty! So, postdocs, this is a hint!

The winners are chosen by ballots submitted by the meeting attendees. Winners will be announced at the last plenary session.


Organizers: Drs. Ahna Skop, Sandhya Koushika and Varsha Singh



1. Microscopic Images

Any microscopic images or photos pertaining to C. elegans biology

2. Mixed Media

Any artwork inspired by C. elegans or many hours of picking and imaging. Past entries in this category have been stained and blown glass, wood mobiles, music, sculpture, drawing and painting.

3. Videos/Multimedia

For example, YouTube movies, TikTok videos, GIFs and flash cartoons [five-minute maximum length]. Please upload them to YouTube, TikTok, or Vimeo and upload the link no later than June 22, 2023, here. Please use the hashtag #wormart23 #celegans23 so we can find them.

4. Scottish elegans

A special challenge this year will be to present artwork that celebrates Scottish heritage, traditions, or culture.


Awards & Prizes

Awards will be given in the categories noted above. In addition, prizes will be awarded for:  Most Humorous and Best of Show, as voted by attendee ballot.


Please bring (and send via email) your artwork to the meeting with a typed slip of paper with the following:


Title of work:


School or Institution:



Please upload your images and/or videos to our online Google form.


We will accept submissions up until June 22, 2023.



  • The artwork title and name should be placed near your work.
  • Please put your name on the back of your work as well.
  • It is preferable to mount your work on poster board or have it framed (reminder: we only have thumbtacks to mount).
  • You are responsible for hanging and taking down your artwork before and after the meeting.
  • The top videos will be shown at the awards ceremony and voted upon at the ceremony.

