Abstract Submission FAQs

What happened to the list of categories in which to submit?

What kind of topic can I write-in to the “Other topic” field?

What is the abstract fee?

Why do I need to create an account?

How do I create an account?

I joined/rejoined while I was submitting my abstract but am still being charged the non-member abstract submission fee.

How do I pay the abstract fee?

My accounting department needs to pay the abstract fee. What should I do?

How will I know that you received my abstract submission?

Can I exit the program after partially completing the submission and return later to complete the process?

Can I cut and paste my abstract text from a word processor into the submission system?

Why doesn’t the submission program character count match the count from my word processing program or exactly reflect changes when I edit the text?

Can I revise my abstract?

Can I withdraw my abstract?

Why do I need to register by March 5, 2021?

Why is my abstract title listed twice?

How do I change the presenting author’s name on my abstract?

The system is very slow. Why?

When will I be notified of my program assignment?

My question was not answered by the FAQs. Who can help?
