#Dros23 Workshops

All times listed are US Central Time.

Workshops will not be streamed live unless it is an online workshop. Workshops will not be recorded.

Friday, February 24

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

CRISPR/Cas and related technologies in Drosophila cells and in vivo workshop


Stephanie Mohr, Harvard Medical School
Jonathan Zirin, Harvard Medical School
Justin Bosch, Harvard Medical School

CRISPR/Cas technologies are facilitating new and more precise studies in Drosophila. Through brief presentations, follow-up questions, and moderated discussion, we will engage the community in a conversation about new and emerging CRISPR/Cas and related technologies that facilitate small- and large-scale studies. The workshop will also increase awareness of relevant available fly stocks and other community resources. At the end of the online workshop, we will announce the time and place for an informal get-together for any attendees and presenters who will be on-site at the ADRC 2023 in Chicago.

10:00–10:20 a.m. Chun Han, Cornell University, “CRISPR tools in Drosophila for tissue-specific gene manipulation”
10:20–10:40 a.m. Fillip Port, DKFZ, “Novel CRISPR strategies for more efficient bi-allelic gene inactivation”
10:40–11:00 a.m. Justin Bosch, Harvard Med School, “Next-generation Prime Editing technology”
11:00–11:20 a.m. Shu Kondo, Tokyo Univ of Science, “Lessons learned and resources available from the NIG-Japan systematic large-scale in vivo CRISPR knockout project”
11:20–11:40 a.m. Ram Viswanatha, Harvard Med School, “Next-generation genome-wide CRISPR pooled screening in Drosophila cells”
11:40–noon Jonathan Zirin and Stephanie Mohr, Harvard Med School, Moderated panel discussion

Wednesday, March 1

1:00–4:00 p.m.

Ecdysone Workshop Organizers:
Jason Tennessen, Indiana University
Joanna Wardwell-Ozgo, Emory University
Heidi Bretscher, University of Minnesota

The Ecdysone Workshop has a long and rich history at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Here we propose to continue this tradition by highlighting the diverse roles of insect hormones and small molecule metabolites in development, reproduction, metabolism, behavior, and disease. Most presentation slots will be reserved for trainees and new investigators. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from diverse research backgrounds who share a common interest in insect endocrinology and foster discussion and collaboration among them.

1:00 p.m. Heidi Bretscher and Jason Tennessen, Welcome Address
1:05 p.m. Yongjun Li, University of Pennsylvania, Mechanisms underlying effects of ecdysone on sleep
1:40 p.m. Jacob Jaszczak, University of California San Francisco, Ecdysone coordination of peripheral sensory neuron structure and function
2:05 p.m. Alex Shingleton, University of Illinois Chicago, Understanding Critical Size: A mathematical model of ecdysone dynamics in Drosophila
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. Susan Gerbi, Brown University, The ecdysone receptor is a replication factor in addition to a transcription factor
3:10 p.m. Dan McKay, University of North Carolina, Spatiotemporal control of gene expression by the ecdysone nuclear receptor
3:35 p.m. Arely Diaz, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Spenito-dependent metabolic sexual dimorphism intrinsic to fat storage cells

Thursday, March 2

7:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m.

The Neighborhoods Project: Leveraging cultural community connections to develop novel, collaborative genetics research projects

Alana O’Reilly, Fox Chase Cancer Center
Sarah Bay, Genetics Society of America

For many of us, a science career can be isolating, distancing us from the people we care about most. How would it feel to belong to a group of scientists who embrace our cultural connections and then join forces to build novel research projects founded on these deeply personal tenets?  In this workshop, “Neighborhoods” comprised of scientists committed to addressing genetics-related community challenges will be formed. Together, “neighbors” will 1) define a problem and 2) outline research plans to tackle the issue. We aim to foster a climate of friendship, mentoring, leadership, and discovery, built from a culturally-infused scientific foundation.

To participate in the Neighborhoods Workshop, please read the workshop information sheet as soon as possible and complete the Neighborhoods Worksheet by the end of February. password: #DROS21st0pSp@m

7:45 p.m. Alana O’Reilly and Sarah Bay, GSA Equity and Inclusion Committee, Introduction to the Neighborhoods Program
8:00 p.m. Neighborhoods form and work to develop Specific Aims to tackle their community problem.
9:15 p.m. Neighborhoods presentations by participants (5 min per neighborhood).
9:40 p.m. Wrap-up and summary

Developmental Mechanics

Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez, University of Toronto
Guy Tanentzapf, University of British Columbia
Adam Martin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Developmental biology has undergone a revolution over the last two decades, largely as a result of work in Drosophila, that placed biomechanical, quantitative imaging, and mathematical modeling approaches at the forefront of the study of tissue morphogenesis. In particular, the establishment of tools to measure and manipulate mechanical forces in living organisms has demonstrated that mechanical forces profoundly shape animal development. In this workshop, we will review the most recent technical advances to visualize and quantify force generation in Drosophila, and we will discuss the latest results demonstrating the interplay between physical forces, molecular dynamics and tissue morphogenesis.

7:46 p.m. Tony Harris, University of Toronto, Re-shaping the cell cortex into dome-like compartments of the syncytial embryo.
8:03 p.m. Mo Weng, University of Nevada – Las Vegas, Differential Bazooka levels regulated by a novel Drosophila, Moat, modulate morphogenetic boundaries.
8:20 p.m. Rick Fehon, University of Chicago, Tension and actomyosin dynamics in Hippo pathway regulation.
8:37 p.m. Tina Tootle, University of Iowa, Prostaglandins act in both the microenvironment and within migrating cells to promote collective migration.
8:54 p.m. Rich Carthew, Northwestern University, A Mechanochemical Perspective on Patterning a Neurocrystalline Lattice.
9:11 p.m. Ruth Lehmann, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cortical flow–driven amoeboid migration in vivo
9:28 p.m. David Bilder, University of California – Berkeley, Specialized cells that sense tissue mechanics to regulate morphogenesis

Spotlight on Undergraduate Research

Eric Stoffregen
Kimberly A. Carlson, University of Nebraska at Kearney
Elyse Bolterstein, Northeastern Illinois University
Rebecca Delventhal, Lake Forest College

This session will highlight undergraduate research accomplishments from Drosophila research labs. Selected by faculty reviewers, student speakers will deliver oral presentations on their projects. This undergraduate-specific session will illustrate ways in which research has become an important part of the college experience through its integration into courses and mentoring in individual research labs.

7:48 p.m. Rincon Jagarlamudi, Vanderbilt University, Neural Development and Physiology
8:01 p.m. Brayden Graves, Lewis-Clark State College, Cell Division and Cell Growth
8:14 p.m. Ella Buhlke, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Immunity and the Microbiome
8:27 p.m. Leila Lin, University of California, Irvine, Evolution
8:50 p.m. Charlie Watts, University of Evansville, Reproduction and Gametogenesis
9:03 p.m. Isaiah Thomas, Northeastern Illinois University, Physiology, Metabolism, and Aging
9:16 p.m. Fareeha Syeda, University of Massachusetts Boston, Neural Development and Physiology
9:29 p.m. Jackson Ridges, University of Utah, Evolution

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex

Michelle Arbeitman, Florida State University
Rita Graze, Auburn University
Artyom Kopp, University of California at Davis
Gavin Rice, University of Pittsburgh

The workshop will cover molecular genetics, development, neurobiology, genomics, evolution, and population genetics of sex, with an emphasis on fostering the exchange of knowledge and development of collaborations necessary for building cross-disciplinary interactions and supporting a diverse research community. Presentations by five invited speakers whose work has been influential in the five core subfields will be followed by flash talks from early career researchers. The speakers are encouraged to summarize key ideas behind their research for people working in other fields, outline the main unsolved questions, offer thoughts about future directions, and suggest connections across approaches and research areas.

7:45 p.m. Opening Comments
7:50 p.m. Yun Ding, University of Pennsylvania, Structural and functional changes of motor patterning neurons in the evolution of Drosophila male courtship song
8:10 p.m. Yasir Ahmed-Braimah , Syracuse University, The female transcriptional response to mating
8:30 p.m. Brian Hollis, University of South Carolina, Life without sexual selection: fly population genomics and transcriptomics during 200 generations of experimental monogamy
8:50 p.m. Ching-Ho Chang, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Genetic conflicts shape the evolution of sperm nuclear proteins (protamines)
9:10 p.m. Mursalin Khan, Auburn University, Sex differences in the innate immune response
9:22 p.m. Nicole Riddle, University of Alabama, Integration Institute: Sex, Aging, Genomics, and Evolution (IISAGE)
9:42 p.m. Closing Comments/Discussion

Non-traditional fly models: Contributions and research opportunities

Urs Schmidt-Ott, University of Chicago
Ellie Heckscher, University of Chicago

The goals of the workshop are to foster the community of researchers that use non-traditional fly models as a natural laboratory for different purposes and to encourage young scientists to look beyond the wonderful Drosophila melanogaster model. The diversity of dipteran insects offers countless research opportunities to address questions that cannot be addressed in Drosophila melanogaster or that illuminate the phylogenetic roots of Drosophila melanogaster’s idiosyncrasies. The workshop will bring together researchers that explore this natural laboratory at the neural, behavioral, molecular, cellular, genetic, or genomic levels.

7:45–8:00 p.m. Introduction (Urs Schmidt-Ott / Ellie Heckscher)
8:00–8:15 p.m. Brian Wiegman: Updating the phylogeny of flies: New phylogenomic frameworks to understand evolutionary specialization
8:15–8:30 p.m. Jeff Tomberlin: The black soldier fly Hermetia illucens: model for circular economics and basic science
8:30–8:45 p.m. Ellie Heckscher: Motor circuit diversity in Dipteran larvae
8:45–9:00 p.m. Susan Gerbi: Chromosome antics in the fungus fly Bradysia (Sciara) — a new/old emerging model organism
9:00–9:15 p.m. Steffen Lemke: Innovations in early fly development
9:15–9:30 p.m. Doris Bachtrog: Dynamic gene content evolution on Drosophila Y chromosomes
9:30–9:45 p.m. Moderated panel discussion with speakers and organizers

Friday, March 3

7:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m.

Immunometabolism: Flying 10 Years later

Francesca Di Cara, Delahousie
Jason S Karpac, Texas A&M University School of Medicine
Neal Silverman, UMass Chan Medical School

It took over 100 years before immunologists realized that metabolic pathways are not only “energy suppliers” but regulators of immune and inflammatory signaling.  Immune cells play major roles in metabolic homeostasis and the impact of metabolic pathways on immune cell function. Discoveries from studies in Drosophila helped to reveal the tangled links between immunology and metabolism. This workshop will cover works demonstrating how metabolic shifts within immune cells and extracellular effects on key target tissues are integrated to affect whole-body physiology. It will also focus on emerging technologies to study such systems in Drosophila.

7:45 p.m. Catherine Brennan, California State University, Fullerton, “Living off the gland fat: lipids’ role in the fly inflammatory response”.
8:00 p.m. Mingyu Shin, Shim Laboratory, Hanyang University, “A function of immune cells in internal oxygen homeostasis”.
8:15 p.m. Julian Batista, Watnick Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, “The Vibrio cholerae quorum sensing regulator, HapR, promotes Drosophila survival by preventing intestinal serotonin depletion”.
8:30 p.m. Michelle Bland, University of Virginia, “Immune regulation of phospholipid metabolism in Drosophila larval fat body”.
8:45 p.m. Neal Silverman, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, “Peroxisome metabolism regulates the IMD adaptor protein’ amyloid formation to modulate IMD signaling during bacterial challenge”.
9:00 p.m. Jason S Karpac, Texas A&M University, “Exploring the complex integration of life history and immunometabolic responses”.
9:15 p.m. Group Discussion

Evolutionary and Population -omics at the Scale of Model Clade Drosophilidae


Dmitri Petrov, Stanford University

Bernard Kim, Stanford University

Short summary:

The Family Drosophilidae is a premier model system for biology and genomics, and continued rapid technological improvements allow for these organisms to be studied with genomics at increasingly precise resolution. A foundational part of developing the entire >4,500 species family into a system for clade-scale genomics is cheap yet high quality genome assemblies, which we are now able to perform from single flies at a cost of <100 US dollars per genome. This makes it feasible to scale our efforts towards sequencing every species in this important group. As a next step, we aim to sequence the genomes of at least 1,000 drosophilid species but also to generate population sequencing data for 200 species by 2024, and ultimately the whole of Family Drosophilidae. Importantly, these data are generated in collaboration with many in the fly community and with the intent of building an open resource. Through a series of talks, this workshop will provide attendees with background on sampling and sequencing methods, bioinformatic tools, data access, and phylogenomic methods. Next, efforts utilizing these data to understand transposable elements, the evolution of phenotypes, and drosophilid-associated microbes at the scale of the entire family will be presented. Finally, the workshop will feature an interactive Q&A and discussion at the end to solicit feedback from attendees, and to provide ways to participate and contribute to this large collaborative effort.


7:45 p.m. Overview – Bernard Kim and Dmitri Petrov
8:10 p.m. “Phylogenetic perspectives on morphological, ecological, and behavioral diversity in Drosophila” – Patrick O’Grady, Cornell University
8:25 p.m. “Building the Drosophilidae Tree of Life: challenges and solutions” – Anton Suvorov, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
8:40 p.m. “Towards a Clade-Scale annotation of transposable elements: the MCHelper tool” – Josefa Gonzalez, Institute of Evolutionary Biology
8:55 p.m. “Wolbachia and other microbes associated with Drosophila” – Brandon Cooper, University of Montana
9:10 p.m. Extended Q&A and open discussion
