#FlyPuns Social Media Contest

Let's have some puns! Share the Drosophila-love with a fruit fly themed pun for the chance to win free conference merchandise! #Dros23 #FlyPuns

Participating in the #FlyPuns raffle:

Share your Drosophila-themed puns on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags #Dros23 and #FlyPuns. Supporting media, such as GIFs, images, or videos, is welcome but optional.

If you don’t use social media, you can submit your pun using this form and we’ll tweet your pun for you. GSA reserves the right to not share submissions that we deem to be offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise unsuitable for public sharing on social media.

Entry prize drawing:

Puns shared by Friday, March 3, 2023 were entered into the drawing for a $25 credit at the #Dros23 Store. To be eligible for the prize drawing, submitted puns had to be Drosophila-themed and created by the submitter. Each separate post containing a fly pun and the contest hashtags was counted as one entry into the prize raffle. Participants could submit as many entries as they liked.

Congratulations to the raffle winner, Frank Macabenta! View all contest entries on Twitter.

#FlyPuns #Dros23 contest winner

If you have questions, contact Matthew Benusa: mbenusa@genetics-gsa.org.
