All poster presenters—both in-person and virtual—will upload their posters as PDFs to the Conference App. There are no live virtual poster presentations.
Between February 25 and April 6, you can use the Conference App to view virtual posters.
Log in, then click on your session of interest. The poster file will be available as a “Virtual Poster” link near the bottom of the session detail pane. Look for this icon:
Click the “play” button on the bottom left of the poster to play the audio. You can zoom in and out using the magnifying glass icons and can move the poster around by clicking and dragging.
You can leave questions for poster presenters using the Conference App. Simply scroll to the very bottom of the poster’s app entry to find the “Discussion” section that allows you to leave a comment. Check back at the end of the conference for the author’s replies.
You must be logged in to comment. Comments will be visible to all attendees.
When you register for the conference you agree to abide by the GSA Conferences Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct was established to communicate a transparent set of standards and guidelines for acceptable behavior at GSA Conferences and to provide a positive, safe, and welcoming environment for all attendees. All sessions will be moderated for disruptive behavior. Downloading, sharing, or recording of posters without permission is strictly prohibited.
If you’re having trouble viewing poster files or participating in the poster sessions, check out the technology FAQs.