31st Fungal Genetics Conference

March 15–20, 2022 | Asilomar Conference Grounds | Pacific Grove, CA and Online | #Fungal22

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About #Fungal22

The Fungal Genetics Conference is the premier meeting for the international community of fungal geneticists. The conference features cutting-edge research spanning a diverse array of topics, including comparative and functional genomics, gene regulation, cell biology, biochemistry and metabolism, population and evolutionary genetics, host-pathogen interactions, genetics education, and more. In addition to the Perkins/Metzenberg Lecture, the 2022 meeting will feature an Equity and Inclusion Plenary Session, attendee-organized workshops, and a wide range of professional development and networking events for every career stage.

Asilomar hall

Join us at Asilomar

After postponing the meeting in 2021, we are delighted that the 31st Fungal Genetics Conference will be held in-person at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in beautiful Pacific Grove, California. This 107-acre protected coastal state park is located on the Monterey Peninsula. With miles of trails that lead you along the scenic coastline as well as through the park, it is the perfect environment in which to learn, share research, and meet with colleagues.

Virtual Attendance

We would love to see everyone in Pacific Grove, though we realize some may not be able to travel. For those who can’t make it to #Fungal22 in Pacific Grove, virtual registration will offer opportunities to present as well as online access to abstract-driven oral presentations, poster PDFs, professional development events, and more.

Perkins/Metzenberg Lecture

Gillian Turgeon
Cornell University

Gillian Turgeon is a Professor and Chair of the Section of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology in the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University. Her research concerns molecular mechanisms of fungal virulence to plant hosts (inter-organismal recognition) and filamentous ascomycete mating (intra-organismal recognition), both with a particular focus on secondary metabolite determinants.

Gillian Turgeon

Thank you to our Gold Sponsors

Thank you to our Silver Sponsors

Flexible Registration Options

We understand that making future travel plans is difficult right now. Registrants may change their registration from in-person to virtual or from virtual to in-person.

Safely reunite in Pacific Grove

In addition to implementing a vaccination mandate for all in-person attendees, GSA will adhere to the latest CDC, state, and local guidelines to create the safest possible meeting environment. Please review our Conference Policies for full policy information on vaccinations, cancellations, Code of Conduct, and registration changes.

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Genetics Society of America

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is an international community of biologists from all career stages and more than 50 countries.

Conference Dates

March 15–20, 2022

Late Abstract Submission Deadline

January 20, 2022
