Virtual Attendance

Not ready or able to travel yet? The 31st Fungal Genetics Conference is offering virtual presentation and attendance options in addition to the in-person meeting.

Download the Conference App to view talks and poster PDFs online.
Registration for virtual attendance is currently open.

Questions? Check the Attendee FAQs.

Virtual Participant Registration

Registration Category GSA Member Rate Nonmember Rate
Early Registration
(by December 9)
$217 $341
Advance Registration
(after December 9)
$272 $396
Early Registration
(by December 9)
$154 $234
Advance Registration
(after December 9)
$209 $289
Graduate Student
Early Registration
(by December 9)
$132 $198
Advance Registration
(after December 9)
$187 $253
Undergraduate Student
Early Registration
(by December 9)
$127 $193
Advance Registration
(after December 9)
$182 $248
Early Registration
(by December 9)
$385 $537
Advance Registration
(after December 9)
$440 $592

Virtual Participant Registration Fee includes:

  • Unique login information allowing registrants to participate in online meeting activities
  • Access to streaming Plenary Sessions
  • Access to all online posters (and audio commentary, where available) for 30 days
  • Access to all Plenary and Concurrent session recordings through the Conference App
  • PDF of abstract book
  • PDF of program book
  • Complimentary participation in all pre- and post-conference workshops, based on availability (Must register in advance)
  • Conference App for desktop, laptop, and mobile devices
  • Networking opportunities via the Conference App, Slack, and Zoom

Registration fees cover technology and staff time in organizing and running the online components of the meeting. Fees for virtual conference attendance are used for the following:

  • Custom development, testing, and subscription costs for the conference app, registration program, scheduling software, Zoom webinar licenses, private video hosting, and other services
  • Design and communications services for creating and maintaining a website, writing and sending blast emails and surveys to attendees, developing technical instructions for the conference technology, creating an abstract and program book, promoting awareness of the meeting, and other tasks
  • Live technical support, conference hosting, and hardware
  • Project management and other logistical and administrative tasks
  • Development and implementation of conference career development programming


Deaf Ear Scientists has created a list of different speech-to-text software options for desktop and mobile use.

Low- and Middle-Income Country Waiver

GSA will waive virtual participant registration fees for scientists who are full-time residents of countries with low- and middle-income economies. Please complete the waiver application by November 30, 2021 to receive information on how to register for virtual attendance.
