Research Area Topics

When submitting your abstract, you will be required to select one of the Research Topics below. In addition, it is optional to select 1 or 2 keywords, which correspond to the concurrent sessions. All abstracts submitted will be reviewed and programmed as posters. Abstracts that are scheduled in concurrent sessions are still expected to present a poster. 

Research Topics

01 Biochemistry and metabolism

02 Biotechnology

03 Cell biology and development

04 Comparative and functional genomics

05 Fungal diversity

06 Gene regulation

07 Pathogenic and mutualistic interactions

08 Population and evolutionary genetics

09 Synthetic biology

10 Diversity, equity and inclusion – (abstracts should define what practices they are using in faculty hiring, postdoc/grad student/funding initiatives, other)

11 Other


Keywords – Optional to select up to two keywords.

Chromatin, heterochromatin, and epigenetics
Circadian rhythms and photobiology
Coolest tools for fungal biology
Emerging and re-emerging fungi in a changing world
Extreme environments
From genome to pangenome
Fungal determinants of host response
Fungal recognition (self and non-self)
Fungicides and antifungals
Human fungal pathogens
Interactions with other non-human/plant eukaryotic species
Interactions with prokaryotes and viruses
Lipid metabolism and signaling
Mating and sexual development
Molecular basis of biotrophy
Morphological transitions and cell walls
Mycobiomes and their implications
Natural and applied bioconversion and biodegradation
Natural and experimental diversity, evolution and populations
Plant Pathogens
RNA and RNAi biology
Secondary metabolism and production of useful metabolites
Small molecules in communication
Speciation, diversity and evolution
Symbionts and endophytes
Systems biology and biomaterials
The mitotic spore: development, dormancy and germination
