Abstract Submission Topics
Research Area Topics
When submitting your abstract, you will be required to select one of the Research Topics below. In addition, it is optional to select a keyword.
All abstracts submitted will be reviewed and programmed as posters. Abstracts that are scheduled in concurrent sessions are still expected to present a poster.
Topic List
- Biochemistry and metabolism
- Biotechnology
- Cell biology and development
- Comparative and functional genomics
- Fungal diversity
- Gene regulation
- Pathogenic and mutualistic interactions
- Population and evolutionary genetics
- Synthetic biology
- Initiatives in Education and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Other
Keyword List
- Chromatin, heterochromatin, and epigenetics
- Circadian rhythms and photobiology
- Coolest tools for fungal biology
- Emerging and re-emerging fungi in a changing world
- Extreme environments
- From genome to pangenome
- Fungal determinants of host response
- Fungal recognition (self and non-self)
- Fungicides and antifungals
- Human fungal pathogens
- Interactions with other non-human/plant eukaryotic species
- Interactions with prokaryotes and viruses
- Lipid metabolism and signaling
- Mating and sexual development
- Molecular basis of biotrophy
- Morphological transitions and cell walls
- Mycobiomes and their implications
- Natural and applied bioconversion and biodegradation
- Natural and experimental diversity, evolution and populations
- Plant Pathogens
- RNA and RNAi biology
- Secondary metabolism and production of useful metabolites
- Small molecules in communication
- Speciation, diversity and evolution
- Stress
- Symbionts and endophytes
- Systems biology and biomaterials
- The mitotic spore: development, dormancy and germination
- Classroom undergraduate research experiences (CUREs)
- College/university curriculum
- DEI at the graduate student level
- DEI at the postdoc level
- DEI in faculty hiring and promotion
- DEI in the classroom
- Ethics
- Funding initiatives for DEI work
- Genomics education partnerships
- Impacts of COVID-19
- K-12 curriculum