Scientific Organizers and Policy Committee

Thank you to these dedicated volunteers!


Michael Freitag, Oregon State University

Natalia Requena, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Fungal Policy Committee

Deb Bell-Pedersen, Texas A&M University, Fungal Policy Committee Chair (2017–2023)

Reinhard Fischer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (2022–2028)

Amy Gladfelter, University of North Carolina (2017–2023)

Erika Kothe, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (2017–2023)

Luis Larrondo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2019–2025)

Xiaorong Lin, University of Georgia (2019–2025)

Li-Jun Ma, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2022–2028)

Vera Meyer, Technical University of Berlin (2019–2025)

Oded Yarden, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2022–2028)

Ex Officio

John Leslie, Fungal Genetics Stock Center

Marc Orbach, University of Arizona 
