
For Sponsors and Advertisers

The Molecular Parasitology Meeting would not be possible without the help of the meeting sponsors!

After 30 years, MPM XXXI is going virtual and bringing the latest research to parasitologists around the world! In the past, attendance has been limited by travel, time, and finance constraints, but this year the meeting’s reach will expand globally. Show your support for the community without leaving home by sponsoring MPM XXXI.

Learn more about sponsorship and advertising opportunities at MPM by contacting Anne Marie Mahoney: mahoney@genetics-gsa.org.

Sponsorship funds will defray registration costs for attendees from low- and middle-income countries.

Sponsor Packages

Supporter $1,000 Sponsor $3,000 Premier $5,000
Recognition with inclusion of logo and link
MPM XXXI mobile app
MPM XXXI website
Pre/Post emails to MPM registrants
Recognition with inclusion of logo
Session slide with sponsor logos displayed before sessions
Logo on Sponsor Acknowledgement page in Program Book
Logo and 50-word text description
Program/Abstract Book
GSA e-News (20k recipients)
Special Considerations
Full page color ad in Program/Abstract Book
1 Complimentary registration
2 Complimentary registrations
Banner ad on MPM, GSA, G3, GENETICS, and Genes to Genomes websites for 2 months

Learn more about sponsorship and advertising opportunities at the Molecular Parasitology Meeting by contacting Anne Marie Mahoney: mahoney@genetics-gsa.org.


