
All attendees must register for the conference, including presenters. Presenters must register before September 8, 2020 to confirm their participation. Note that abstract submission is a separate process from registration.

Registration is closed.
Registration Category GSA Member Rate Nonmember Rate
Regular (PI, lab tech) $150 $250
Industry $180 $300
Postdoc $130 $195
Graduate Student $100 $150
Undergraduate Student $75 $125
LMIC Resident* Fee waiver application closed Fee waiver application closed

*Thanks to the generosity of donors and attendees we have offered a substantial number of free registrations (including abstract submission fees) to scientists from LMIC countries.

GSA members receive a discount on abstract submission and registration fees!

Special deal for MPM XXXI attendees: GSA memberships typically are for one calendar year, but because MPM will be held late in the year, GSA will provide a free 2021 membership to all MPM registrants who become 2020 members of the Society. 2021 membership will be applied to your account automatically in October. Note that it may take up to 24 hours after you join GSA for your member record to update in the registration program to receive the member price.

Registration Fee includes:

  • 27 hours of live content including keynote and concurrent sessions
  • 15 hours of live poster presentations with moderated discussions
  • Conference App for desktop, laptop, and mobile devices
  • Access to all posters (and audio commentary where available) for 30 days
  • Access to all recorded sessions for 30 days
  • Networking opportunities via Slack
  • PDF of Abstract Book

Registration fees are charged to cover technology and staff time in organizing and running the meeting.We know that some of those who took the meeting survey wondered what registration fees for a virtual conference are used for, so we would like to be transparent about the costs involved. These include:

  • Custom development, testing, and subscription costs for the conference app, registration program, scheduling software, Zoom webinar licenses, private video hosting, and other services
  • Design and communications services for creating and maintaining a website, writing and sending blast emails and surveys to attendees, developing technical instructions for the conference technology, creating an abstract and program book, promoting awareness of the meeting, and other tasks
  • Live technical support, conference hosting, and hardware
  • Project management and other logistical and administrative tasks

Who’s Attending?

You can view the list of current registrants for the meeting, updated weekly. View registrant list ≫

Registration Resource Center

Visit the Registration Resource Center to update your contact information or print a receipt. You will need your badge number to access your record, which is listed in your registration confirmation email.

Payment Options

Payment must be made by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover) through the online registration process. Credit card payment will not be accepted by telephone or fax. GSA does not accept purchase orders for registration payment.


Cancellation of registrations must be received by September 14, 2020. A $25 processing fee will be deducted from all cancellations.
