Young Investigators in Parasitology Meeting 2020

In conjunction with MPM XXXI, we are holding the 3rd Young Investigators in Parasitology Meeting (YIPs 2020) for junior PIs in parasitology who are within the first five years of starting up their lab! This year’s schedule is packed with lively panels and small group discussions led by senior parasitology PIs, covering all of the challenges and joys of starting a new lab.

Like MPM, we will be going virtual this year, so everything will take place over Zoom on the last day of MPM, September 24, 2020. PIs who have been in their position for less than five years are invited to participate. Registration is required and space is limited to encourage discussion. You can sign up for YIP 2020 when you register for MPM.

We have a small number of spots available for postdocs who are currently on the job market and anticipate starting a new lab in the next year. (Postdocs who have an independent position that they have not yet started are considered new PIs for this purpose and should register as a PI). We invite interested postdocs to follow this link to submit an application:

Preliminary Program

Thursday, September 24, 2020

All times noted are US EDT.

8:45 a.m. European Funding
9:45 a.m. Coffee break & chat
10:00 a.m. Setting Priorities & Boundaries with Tenure in Mind
10:45 a.m. Coffee break & chat
11:00 a.m. Recruiting & Hiring: What to Ask, Hidden Gems & Red Flags
11:30 a.m. Coffee break & chat
11:45 a.m. Effective Training, Mentoring & Motivation: Do’s & Don’ts
12:45 p.m. Lunch Small Group Discussions (topics to be determined)
1:45 p.m. Difficult Conversations: Trainees, Senior PIs, Chairs
2:45 p.m. Coffee break & chat
3:00 p.m. Managing Projects, Collaborations & Realistic Timelines
3:40 p.m. Coffee break & chat
3:50 p.m. Publication Strategies
4:20 p.m. Coffee break & chat
4:30 p.m. US Funding
