63rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference

April 6–10, 2022 | Town and Country Resort | San Diego, CA and Online | #Dros22

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About #Dros22

The Annual Drosophila Research Conference is the premier meeting for Drosophila researchers. As many as 1,000 presentations cover the full diversity of Drosophila investigations, from genetics to molecular biology, cell biology, development, immunology, physiology, neuroscience, evolution, and more. In addition to the invited speakers in the Plenary Sessions and abstract-driven Platform Sessions, the 2022 meeting will feature an Equity and Inclusion Plenary Session, Techniques and Technology Platform Session, attendee-organized workshops, and a wide range of professional development and networking events.

Town and Country San Diego

Photo courtesy of the Town and Country Resort, San Diego.

Join us in San Diego

After two online meetings, we are happy that #Dros22 will be held in-person at The Town & Country Resort in beautiful, sunny San Diego. A beloved landmark since 1953, the resort has recently completed a multimillion-dollar transformation, renovating everything from top to bottom and adding a host of new amenities. Its proximity to beaches, hiking, biking, shopping, golf, and more make it the perfect destination for a mini-vacation—all while presenting your latest research and catching up with colleagues.

Virtual Attendance

We would love to see everyone in San Diego, though we realize some may not be able to travel. For those who can’t make it to #Dros22 in San Diego, virtual registration will offer opportunities to present as well as online access to abstract-driven oral presentations, poster PDFs, professional development events, and more.

Invited Speakers

Keynote Address

Chris Doe
HHMI/University of Oregon

Recently elected to the National Academy of Sciences, Chris Doe has a long record of conducting groundbreaking Drosophila research. Working at the intersections of cell biology, genetics, and neuroscience, Doe uses Drosophila melanogaster to study the stem cells of the developing brain. His recent work has investigated how neurons from different stem cells connect to form neural circuits that generate different behaviors in fruit flies.

Chris Doe


Larry Sandler Award

The Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture is presented by an outstanding recent PhD graduate on the opening day of the Conference. Any student completing a PhD in an area of Drosophila research between July 2020 and December 2021 is eligible and may be nominated by his/her thesis advisor. Nominations are due on December 21, 2021.

Drosophila Image Award

The Drosophila Image Award is given to the most striking image and video that clearly convey an important biological result and communicate important findings in Drosophila research. Images from papers that have been accepted for publication in 2021 will be eligible for the 2022 award.

Flexible Registration Options

We understand that making future travel plans is difficult right now. Registrants may change their registration from in-person to virtual or from virtual to in-person until February 1, 2022.

Safely reunite in San Diego

In addition to implementing a vaccination mandate for all in-person attendees, GSA will adhere to the latest CDC, state, and local guidelines to create the safest possible meeting environment. Please review our Conference Policies for full policy information on vaccinations, cancellations, Code of Conduct, and registration changes.

Thank you to our Premier Sponsors

Thank you to our Sponsors

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Genetics Society of America

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is an international community of biologists from all career stages and more than 50 countries.

Conference Dates

April 6-10, 2022


Poster-only Abstract Submission Deadline

January 10, 2022

Submit Abstract
