Professional Development Programs (online)

Virtual Professional Development Events

Getting Involved in GSA’s Early Career Professional Development
Friday, June 3, 10:30–11:00 a.m. PST

GSA Early Career Leadership Program (ECLP) members will join us in sharing how to get involved in GSA’s professional development programming for early career scientists. GSA will walk through upcoming events and programs including how and when to apply to join the ECLP.

Conference Success Tips and Welcome from the Early Career Leadership Program
Friday, June 3, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. PST

The purpose of this event is to help first-time conference attendees and early career scientists make the most of the conference. Topics covered may include introductions to organizers of the meeting, advice on having meaningful interactions during the conference, a chance to meet other attendees in an informal setting, and an introduction to scientific events and other conference programming.

Career Exploration Panel
Friday, June 3, 1:00–2:00 p.m. PST

This event will showcase the broad options available to those with a PhD by hosting a panel of individuals from multiple career paths. Career sectors highlighted may include academic research, industry research, biotech, science writing, science teaching, and academic administration.

Careers in Academia
Friday, June 3, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. PST

This 90-minute discussion panel will feature department heads and academic faculty who will discuss applying and hiring in academia from both sides of the process, as well as provide insight into an academic career.

Multilingual Networking
Friday, June 3, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. PST

Join us for this exciting event to network in the language of your choice! At this multilingual networking event, #PEQG22 participants who speak languages other than English have a chance to network and talk about science in their native language or language of choice with other participants.

Virtual Networking Meet-ups

GSA will host virtual discussion sessions featuring breakout rooms focused on specific topics. These topics will include scientific discussions, professional development, academic applications, and community topics. Each breakout room will have a designated moderator to help lead a discussion. All career stages are welcome.

Poster Invitations

GSA members who are undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs will have the opportunity to invite scientists to view their poster. More information coming soon!

Professional Development Events (In person)

Networking Hotspots

GSA will host themed virtual discussion sessions on scientific, professional development, and community topics. Come join the conversations! All career stages are welcome.
