Sponsors and Advertisers

InVivo Biosystems logo
An expert in CRISPR genome editing, InVivo Biosystems creates custom genome edited C. elegans and zebrafish models to enable aging, developmental and disease studies. InVivo Biosystems also develops and manufactures genotyping and phenotyping products, including instruments, reagents and consumables to allow researchers to explore and discover new phenotypes. Be sure and attend our Worming into Relevance – Disease modeling using humanized C. elegans models session on Thursday, June 24, 1: 45 p.m.. – 2:45 p.m. EDT and visit our table during the Poster and Exhibit Sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

NemaLife, Inc. is a dynamic biotechnology company that offers hardware and software solutions to academic labs for automating a variety of assays using C. elegans. Our platforms enable high-throughput data acquisition and analysis while allowing precise whole-life control of the environment of the worm. Be sure and attend our Automating C. elegans lifespan, stress, and behavior studies with NemaLife session on Wednesday, June 23, 7:45 am – 8:45 am EDT and visit us at our table in the Poster Sessions, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Union biometrica logo
Union Biometrica provides flow cytometry for objects that are too large / fragile for traditional cytometers and offer an alternative to manual sorting (under a microscope). These systems sort and dispense objects based on size and fluorescent parameters. Automating this process offers increased speed, sensitivity, quantification, and repeatability of experiments. Be sure and attend our COPAS VISION™: The worm sorter that takes pictures session on Tuesday, June 22, 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. EDT and visit our table during the Poster Sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

WormAtlas logo
WormAtlas offers detailed descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of hermaphrodite, male, dauer, embryo and aging C. elegans. We have expanded to include a section on the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. During the poster sessions we will demonstrate our content and provide guidance on new functions and features for both WormAtlas and WormImage, our website that provides access to an extensive collection of EM images. Be sure and visit us at our table in the Poster and Exhibit Sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Get the ROI needed in 2021!

#Worm21 is going virtual to provide opportunities for scientists to present their research and connect with companies and organizations that were not able to visit their institutions. Company representatives will be able to re-connect and re-engage with the community in an interactive online format. 

In the past, attendance has been limited by travel, time, and financial constraints. Those barriers will be reduced or removed in 2021. Many conferences were cancelled in 2020, so we expect attendance to remain at or exceed the registration numbers in 2019. Your organization’s participation will give you a chance to reach scientists on a more global scale.

To help create a productive and engaging environment where your reps can get the leads they need, the opportunities being offered have been expanded for our 2021 conferences.

Current opportunities – All of the opportunities below include: company logos being displayed on session slides, in the online planner, and in the PDF of the program book, as well as one meeting registration. All companies sponsoring at a level of $2,500 or more will also be included on the dedicated Sponsor web page with their logo, link and a 50-word description and receive 2 meeting registrations. Contact mahoney@genetics-gsa.org with any questions or to discuss special package rates.

  • Industry Educational Session – $2,500highlight new initiatives or provide a live product demonstration with time for questions and a chance to acquire registrant emails during unopposed time on the schedule. The session will be recorded and available for 25 days after the start of the conference (limited to 2 companies per block)
  • Pre-conference Professional Development Workshops$1,500 – sponsor a workshop and participate on a panel and be recognized as a sponsor (limited to one sponsor per workshop)
  • Publishing Q&A Workshop –  $1,500 – participate on a panel to explain the publishing process to early career scientists from inception to review to decision (limited to three publishing companies and approval by GSA Journals staff)
  • Closing Keynote Plenary Sponsor – $2,000 – panel will include speakers across career stages including Nobel Laureates from the C. elegans community (limited to one sponsor)
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Session Sponsor – $2,000abstract driven session addressing timely issues (limited to one sponsor)
  • Exhibit tables – $2,500 – available during the live Remo poster sessions. Below are comments received about Remo for a GSA meeting held in September 2020. In 2021 the platform is being expanded to include exhibit tables.
    • Live poster session was far better than what I had expected. The app “Remo” was wonderful and made the online poster imitate (a) live session. 
    • My favorite part was the live poster session. This is the first conference I have attended this year with actual interaction during the poster session and not just passive “looking at PDF” poster sessions and therefore able to talk to and meet new people.
    • The application Remo, which was used to handle poster sessions, was just amazing. It was probably the best possible replacement that MPM could have used to make people feel like they were actually attending in-person sessions.
  • Registration Fee Waivers sponsor – to encourage participation from low- and middle-income countries, companies can sponsor registration fee waivers  
  • Opening Social Sponsor – $2,000 –  Get your name in front of the attendees at the start of the meeting by sponsoring the interactive platform that will be used for the Opening Social, where you can host a specific room to meet your clients

Meeting registration statistics

The International C. elegans Conference  is the largest conference  of C. elegans researchers, and attendance has remained consistent since 2009. 

Registration Category 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009
Faculty 529 524 501 506 435 423
Early Career Scientists/Students 1,166 1,105 1,156 1,239 1,237 1,162
Total 1,695 1,629 1,657 1,745 1,672 1,585

2019 registrants by institution type

Institution Percentage
University 74%
College 5%
Medical School 8%
Research Institute (government or private nonprofit) 13%

How will the Poster Sessions and Exhibits work?

Remo will be used for exhibits, posters, and general networking. At your table you can meet with attendees in real time using audio and video capabilities. You can also display a poster,  advertisement, or video, or share your screen. 

Exhibits and posters are set up like a conference center with multiple buildings, floors, and a variety of seating options. When attendees enter the platform, they are randomly assigned to a table. They then move freely around the floors and buildings as space is available. Each table is able to accommodate eight people. This image shows the basic setup.


Exhibit tables are available during the Poster Sessions:

Monday, June 21 2:15 – 4:15 p.m. EDT
Tuesday, June 22 2:45 – 4:45 p.m. EDT
Wednesday, June 23 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. EDT

Why participate virtually?

Meet New Prospects: Moving from an in-person meeting to a virtual experience allows more people to attend the meeting. All they need is an internet connection—no travel or hotel. More people means more potential leads.

Showcase New Products and Services: Ability to show demo videos and answer questions from the community.

Gain an International Presence: In 2020, for TAGC, there were participants from 79 countries!

Save Money: Hotel, airfare, per-diem, shipping, and other travel costs are eliminated in a virtual meeting, so you can participate at a fraction of the cost of an in-person meeting.

Support Your Existing Customers: Remember when you were able to talk to your customers in person? With the conference’s interactive platforms, you will come away feeling like you have renewed your connection.
