Pre-Conference Workshops

New Faculty Workshop

Tuesday, May 11, 1:00 –3:30 p.m. EDT

This event is designed to help new faculty (those within their first five years of appointment) and postdocs network, learn, and find support. In the past, topics covered in this event included tools and techniques for managing budgets effectively, tips for negotiating and establishing relationships with vendors, and tips on being a supportive mentor. Advance registration is required.
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Grants and Funding

Thursday, May 13, 1:00 –2:00 p.m. EDT

This workshop provides attendees with important and useful information related to applying for research funding in the United States and internationally. Attendees will hear talks from experienced investigators and program officers, and have a chance to ask questions in a friendly, low-stress environment. Advance registration is required.
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Conference Success Tips and Welcome from the Early Career Leadership Program

Friday, June 18, 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. EDT

This event is to help attendees make the most of the conference. Topics covered may include: introduction to organizers of the meeting, advice on having meaningful interactions in a virtual space, a chance to meet other attendees in an informal setting, and an introduction to events in the scientific and other programming. Advance registration required.

Getting involved in GSA’s Early Career Professional Development Programs

Friday, June 18, 11:15 a.m. –12:15 p.m. EDT

GSA Early Career Leadership Program members will join us in sharing how to get involved in the ECLP focusing on how the program has advanced their scientific skill sets and careers. GSA will walk through how and when to apply and showcase programming Early Career Scientists can participate in throughout the year. Advance registration required. For undergrads, grads and postdocs.

Multilingual Networking

Friday, June 18, 1:00–2:00 p.m. EDT

Join us for this exciting event to network in the language of your choice! At this multilingual networking event #Worm21 participants who speak languages other than English will have a chance to network and talk about science in their native language or language of choice with other participants.  Advance registration required.

Career Exploration Panel

Friday, June 18, 2:00–4:00 p.m. EDT

A panel of individuals from multiple career paths will show the broad options available to those with a PhD. The career sectors highlighted will be: academic research, government research, science communication and writing, science policy, non-profit, business, outreach, and academic administration. Advance registration required.
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Careers in Academia

Friday, June 18, 4:00–5:00 p.m. EDT

This discussion panel will feature department heads and academic faculty who will discuss applying and hiring in academia from both sides of the process, as well as provide insight into an academic career. Advance registration required.
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Workshops during the conference


Every day Monday through Thursday

Socials will be held every day with an opportunity to meet with professors, or participate in a hosted, themed virtual discussion on scientific, professional development, and community topics. Different topics and professors will be available each day. All career stages are welcome.

Publishing Workshop

Tuesday, June 22, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT

Not ready to publish yet, but curious about the peer review process? Join us for an overview of peer review presented by the Executive Editor of GSA Journals GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. Editors from multiple journals will then participate in a panel discussion answering attendee questions about the entire process—from submission to review to publication. Students and postdocs are invited to attend. All questions welcome!

Active learning mentorship for postdocs and junior faculty: the PALM Network

Tuesday, June 22, 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT

Are you interested in learning to teach more effectively? Would you like to make your classroom more inclusive and engaging? Could you use guidance on how to implement active learning in your classes? Learn about the PALM Network (Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring), funded by the NSF and sponsored by GSA and ASCB. This workshop is led by a current PALM Mentor and former PALM Fellow. We will examine the benefits of active learning strategies, highlight the advantages of belonging to the PALM Network, describe examples of PALM projects, and discuss how to craft a successful application.

Teaching Workshop

Thursday, June 24, 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. EDT

Postdocs and junior faculty are invited to attend this workshop which will address the following topics:

  • What is a PUI and how do I get a job at one?
  • Navigating the PUI and getting tenure.

5th Parasitic Nematode Workshop – Bridging the Divide

Thursday, June 24, 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. EDT

Each year infections of animals and plants by parasitic nematodes cause many billions of dollars of agricultural damage. Over 1.5 billion people worldwide, particularly in developing nations, are infected by nematodes and suffer from the resulting debilitating diseases. Currently, only a few investigators address problems of parasitic nematodes using C. elegans. To encourage and facilitate more interactions between the C. elegans and parasitic nematode communities, workshops have been held for experts in plant, animal and human parasitic nematodes to speak on the life history and unique biology of these parasitic species and on outstanding issues in their field. A key goal of this workshop is to make C. elegans scientists aware of the issues and problems that parasitic nematode researchers face and pave the way for applying the powerful approaches and technologies that have advanced C. elegans research to parasitic nematodes.
