Workshop Applications

Workshops, other than the pre-conference Professional Development Workshops, will be held from June 21–24, 2021. Individuals interested in organizing a workshop should review the selection criteria below and complete the online application.

The organizers expect that the number of applications for workshops will exceed the time slots available. Because this process is competitive, the organizers strongly encourage applicants to carefully and clearly address the guidelines and submit a highly persuasive application.

Selection Criteria

  • Rising and upcoming fields
  • Emphasis on discussion
  • Innovative formats
  • Diversity of presenters and labs
  • Community-building potential
  • Interest to the community


Application Deadline: February 26, 2021

Applicants will be notified by March 16, 2021 of the outcome  of the application.

Application Guidelines

  1. Applicants should clearly indicate why an attendee-organized workshop is an appropriate format for their topic. Importantly, workshops are not intended to serve as a de facto platform session.
  2. Workshops should have 30 minutes of discussion and interaction built into the schedule. Applicants must explicitly address how the format will stimulate such interactions.
  3. Examples of topics appropriate for workshops include:
  • techniques
  • emerging or specialized areas of research
  • community resources
  • professional development
  • other topics of general interest to the C. elegans community

If you are interested in presenting on creating a diverse, equal and inclusive scientific community, please submit an abstract to be reviewed for the DEI Plenary Session.

Workshop organizers must identify individuals who will participate if the proposal is accepted. Workshop organizers will not be able to review abstracts submitted for poster or platform sessions to determine possible presenters.

  1. All workshop organizers, speakers, and participants must be registered for the conference.
  2. All workshop organizers, speakers, and participants must abide by the GSA Code of Conduct.
  3. All workshops will be held online using GSA’s Zoom accounts. GSA staff will provide technical assistance and help host the workshops.
  4. Workshops will take place from June 21–24, 2021.

The application form includes the following questions:

  • Proposed workshop title.
  • Provide program summary (100 words or less).
  • Why is this an important subject?
  • List topics to be covered.
  • List the knowledge or skills attendees will gain by participating in this workshop.
  • Briefly describe the format for your workshop, including a tentative schedule.
  • What do you hope to accomplish by hosting this session?
  • How will attendees engage and interact during the workshop?
  • Describe any overlap or relationships between the proposed workshop and the abstract topics being used for abstract submissions.
  • Should the number of participants be limited for the best results?
  • What is the optimal amount of time for the online workshop (check all that could work)?
    (30, 60, 90, Other)
  • GSA will advertise all workshops. How will you help promote this event?
  • Primary Organizer (main point of contact)
    (Name, Institute, Phone, Email)
  • Would you be interested in hosting a workshop on one of the following topics? If so, which one?
    (Teaching eugenics history in genetics class, Mid-career faculty forum, Showcasing imaging technologies, Not interested in leading a workshop on these topics)
  • Would you be interested in collaborating with other organizers (either those listed here or others) on this topic to make this workshop accessible live to a larger audience in additional time zones? (Your answer to this question has no bearing on whether your workshop will be selected to be part of IWM 2021.)
  • Space for brief additional comments.

Submit an application ≫

Based on recent feedback, the GSA and conference organizers have also identified several topics that would be of special interest. If you would like  to help organize a workshop in any of the following areas, please be sure and submit an abstract by February 25.

  • Assessing and publishing educational research
  • Teaching eugenics history in genetics class
  • Mid-career faculty forum
  • Rigor and reproducibility
  • Imaging technology, light and EM


