Worm Art Show

The C. elegans community is blessed with a  large pool of highly talented, creative, and entertaining people that makes our close community quite unique!

View the #WormArt show!

Check out all the incredible entries to the first ever online #WormArt Show!

View Worm Art

Participating in the #WormArt show:

Share your C. elegans-themed artwork on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags #Worm21 and #WormArt. Also tag the GSA @geneticsgsa and our dedicated @celegansart (on Instagram) so everyone can find it.


Please submit your artwork using this form so we can compile a website so everyone can vote on the submissions.

Form link: https://airtable.com/shrMzi1oya5yOWXub


1. Microscopic Images – any microscopic images or photos pertaining to C. elegans biology

2. Mixed Media – any artwork inspired by C. elegans or many hours of picking and imaging. Past entries in this category have been stained and blown glass, wood mobiles, music, sculpture, drawing and painting. Remember they can only be viewed online. Upload a .PNG file <16MB

3. Multimedia – for example any YouTube movies [3 minute maximum length], including spoofs of a favorite song will be welcomed. *Please submit the URL link on the form.

4. Humorous – any type of visual or written worm humor is appreciated

5. 2021 Theme: Virtual Worms – Given our virtual meeting this year, we are accepting any “virtual” world worm art, including visions of a perfect “ virtual” worm meeting, worms in a pandemic, worms against viruses, and worms in quarantine.


Awards will be given in the categories noted above by our generous sponsors including the Genetics Society of America. Prizes will also be awarded for Most Humorous and Best of Show, as judged by attendees. The prizes will be sent to your home and more likely via email.

Submissions will be accepted until June 19, 2021.

Questions: Please email Ahna Skop skop@wisc.edu

Header image credit: 2019 Best in Show winner, Philipp Dexheimer (IMP, Vienna)

Worm Art Show Winners 2019

