
Poster Awards

Awards will be given for the best poster presentations by GSA undergraduate and graduate student members. Judges take both scientific merit and clarity of presentation into account. You must be a GSA student member at the time you submit your abstract and must check the option during abstract submission to enter your poster in the competition. You must also be the first and presenting author on the abstract to be eligible for an award. 

Winners will be announced during the conference. PIs and postdocs who are GSA members can indicate during registration if they would like to help with judging.

See past Poster Award recipients ≫


Registration Fee Waiver for Scientists from Low-Income Economies

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, scientists from low and middle income countries may apply to have their registration fee waived. Please complete the waiver application by April 15, 2021.


GSA Undergraduate Registration Awards

To promote excellence in undergraduate research and education, the Genetics Society of America (GSA) established the Undergraduate Travel Awards, which support registration costs for undergraduate members who are presenting at a GSA conference. The application deadline is February 8, 2021.

Learn more about undergraduate awards ≫


