
Career Connections at TAGC

Kaylee Mueller

I presented my undergraduate research at TAGC the summer after I graduated college. I happened to land a poster spot next to Dr. Ivan Liachko, who had a poster on using Hi-C to assemble complete genomes. I was very excited about his work and the start-up he mentioned, Phase Genomics. I reconnected with him after the conference, and I was offered a place on the team as the fourth employee!”

Kaylee Mueller, Phase Genomics

At TAGC 2020 we will make it even easier to connect with potential employers and collaborators. Join your colleagues for themed coffee-break meetups, community mixers, editor discussion tables, industry career sessions, recruitment events, advocacy events, workshops, and funding discussions. Student and postdoc GSA members can even invite specific scientists to visit their posters—no chance meetings required!
Learn about professional development opportunities at TAGC ≫

Don't miss it this time!

Here's what attendees had to say about TAGC in 2016. Don't miss the chance to be inspired and make new connections at #TAGC20!

