Presentation Opportunities

Present your research to a broad audience at TAGC 2020!


The poster sessions are the heart of TAGC, a community forum where you can spread the word about your work, get feedback, and find new inspiration face-to-face with your colleagues. Student and postdoc GSA members can enhance their experience by participating in GSA’s Poster Invitation Program, which allows you to nominate up to three scientists that GSA will invite to attend your presentation. Student members are also eligible to enter the GSA Poster Award Competition. Postdocs can volunteer to be poster judges. Posters will be arranged by topic, with organism-specific icons so you can more easily identify your topics and communities.

Poster Previews

Select poster presenters will be invited by the Program Committees to give Poster Previews during the oral presentation sessions. Poster Previews give you the chance to briefly explain to the audience why they should visit your poster to learn more about your work. Presenters will have exactly two minutes and two slides. Poster Previews are most successful when treated as a teaser to spark audience interest in your research question; don’t try to tell the full scientific story in two minutes!

Oral Presentations

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committees, who will select a subset for oral presentations in either a Community or a Thematic Session. Community Sessions are dedicated to the latest research from each of the seven participating communities. Thematic Sessions focus on key topics, bringing together researchers from all communities to exchange ideas.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Session

In this session, speakers will discuss ways that our community can foster a more inclusive scientific culture. Abstracts will be considered for 15-minute talks in the session or for poster presentations. Learn more about the session ≫


Workshops at TAGC are intended to encourage interaction and exchange across community boundaries. You are invited to propose and organize workshop sessions on topics of wide interest with emphasis on discussion and community building. Because there are typically many more workshop proposals than space available, we strongly encourage applicants to carefully and clearly address the guidelines and selection criteria.

Workshop proposals are now closed.

Conference Themes

The questions that drive biological discovery cut across organisms and unite communities. Abstracts for TAGC 2020 can be submitted in categories falling into the conference themes: Developmental Genetics | Disease Models and Aging | Ethical, Legal, Social Issues | Evolutionary and Population Genetics | Gene Regulation | Genome Integrity | Genomics and Systems Biology | Intracellular Dynamics | New Technology and Resources | Neurogenetics | Quantitative Genetics |  Training and Education.
