Yeast Community Information

Meet face-to-face with the yeast research community at TAGC 2020! The meeting’s unique format offers multiple opportunities for you to share your work, learn about the latest research and tools, build community, and recruit newcomers to the field. Catch up with colleagues at the opening night yeast community mixer and at designated community meeting spots throughout the meeting. We’ll make it easy to spot your people and posters via signage and badges.

Abstracts due early!

Do you normally attend the Yeast Genetics Meeting? TAGC incorporates this meeting for 2020. Because TAGC takes place in April 2020, you’ll need to be ready to submit your abstract earlier than you may be used to. Be sure to submit by December 13, 2019 to be considered for a talk in either the Yeast Sessions or the Thematic Sessions.

What’s the hashtag?

The conference hashtag is #TAGC20. Use the #Yeast20 community-specific hashtag alongside #TAGC20 to allow everyone to follow along!

Community Program Committee

Orna Cohen-Fix (co-chair), National Institutes of Health
Michael Knop (co-chair), University of Heidelberg
Peter Stirling (co-chair), British Columbia Cancer Agency

Eric Alani, Cornell University
Karen Arndt, University of Pittsburgh
Kristin Baetz, University of Ottawa
Anastasia Baryshnikova, Calico Labs
Alison Bertuch, Texas Children’s Hospital
Rachel Brem, Buck Institute
Grant Brown, University of Toronto
Anita Corbett, Emory University
Claudio De Virgilio, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray, Humboldt University
Stacia Engel, Stanford University
Douglas Fowler, University of Washington
Jen Gallagher, West Virginia University
Elizabeth Grayhack, University of Rochester Medical School
Nicholas Guydosh, NIH/NIDDK
Pamela Hanson, Furman University
Grzegorz Ira, Baylor College of Medicine
Jill Keeney, Juniata College
Oliver Kerscher, College of William & Mary
Romain Koszul, Institut Pasteur
Karl Kuchler, Medical University Vienna
Soni Lacefield, Indiana University
Chris Loewen, University of British Columbia
Michael McMurray, University of Colorado, Denver
Mary Miller, Rhodes College
Yoshikazu Ohya, University of Tokyo
Markus Ralser, Francis Crick Institute
Frederick (Fritz) Roth, University of Toronto, Canada
Joseph Schacherer, University of Strasbourg
Gavin Sherlock, Stanford University
Jeremy Thorner, University of California, Berkeley
Phong Tran, University of Pennsylvania
Fred van Leeuwen, The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Kevin Verstrepen, KU Leuven

Yeast Session Chairs

Brenda Andrews, University of Toronto, Canada
Kerry Bloom, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Jodi Nunnari, University of California, Davis, USA
Stan Fields, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Maya Schuldiner, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Helle Ulrich, IMB, Mainz, Germany
Benoit Kornmann, University of Oxford, UK
Anne Spang, University of Basel, Switzerland
John Pringle, Stanford University, CA
Michael Polymenis, Texas A&M University

Community Special Events and Awards

Lee Hartwell Lecture

Given by a noted researcher in the field who has used yeast in a way that has had an obvious impact on other fields

2020 Lecture: Doug Koshland, University of California, Berkeley

Previous Lectures:
2018 – Fred Winston, Harvard Medical School
2016 – Susan Gasser, Friedrich Miescher Institute
2014 – George Church, Harvard Medical School
2012 – Stan Fields, University of Washington, Seattle
2010 – Randy Schekman, University of California, Berkeley
2008 – Mitsuhiro Yanagida, Kyoto University
2006 – Kim Nasmyth, Oxford University
2004 – Susan Lindquist, Whitehead Institute
2002 – Leland Hartwell, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Ira Herskowitz Award
For outstanding contributions in the field of yeast research in the last 20 years

This award is usually given to scientists under 50.

2020 Recipient: Jonathan Weissman, University of California, San Francisco

Previous Recipients:
2018 – Mike Cherry, Stanford University
2016 – Lars Steinmetz, Stanford University
2014 – Olga Troyanskaya, Princeton University
2012 – Angelika Amon, MIT
2010 – Brenda Andrews, University of Toronto
2008 – David Drubin, University of California, Berkeley
2006 – Charles Boone, University of Toronto, Canada
2004 – Jef Boeke, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2002 – Mark Johnston, University of Colorado

Lifetime Achievement Award
For lifetime contributions in the field of yeast genetics and outstanding community service

2020 Recipient: Nancy Kleckner, Harvard University

Previous Recipients:
2018 – Steve Oliver, University of Cambridge
2016 – James Broach, Penn State University
2014 – Jeremy Thorner, University of California, Berkeley
2012 – John Pringle, Stanford University
2010 – Paul Nurse, The Rockefeller University
2008 – Elizabeth Jones, Carnegie Mellon University
2006 – Fred Sherman, University of Rochester Medical School
2004 – Ron Davis, Stanford University
2002 – Gerald Fink, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Winge-Lindegren Address
A thought-provoking perspective, given by a leader in the field of yeast genetics

2020 Address:
Mike Snyder, Stanford University

Previous Addresses:
2018 – Virginia Zakian, Princeton University
2016 – Rodney Rothstein, Columbia University
2014 – Anita Hopper – Ohio State University
2012 – Andrew Murray, Harvard University
2010 – Jasper Rine, University of California, Berkeley
2008 – The Cold Spring Harbor Yeast Group: Jeff Strathern, NIH; Amar Klar, NIH; Jim Hick, Cold Spring Harbor Lab
2006 – Chris Guthrie, University of California, San Francisco
2004 – André Sentenac, CEA/Saclay
2002 – David Botstein, Princeton University

Presentation Opportunities

If you submit an abstract, it will be reviewed and scheduled in one of three types of sessions:

  • Posters
  • Community (oral)
  • Thematic (oral)

Poster and Thematic Sessions will feature research from all communities, while Yeast Community Sessions will be dedicated to the latest yeast research.

When it comes to attending talks, you won’t be forced to choose between yeast and your favorite topic; Community Sessions and Thematic Sessions are held at different times, so there will be no need to miss out.

Conference History

2018: Stanford, CA
2016: Orlando, FL
2014: Seattle, WA
2012: Princeton, NJ
2010: Vancouver, BC, Canada
2008: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2006: Princeton, NJ
2004: Seattle, WA
2002: Madison, WI
2000: Seattle, WA
