Community and Connections

Do you want to connect with the genetics community? To meet new colleagues and learn from stimulating discussions on topics you care about? Join us for lunch with moderated discussion tables on scientific, professional development, and other topics. All career stages are welcome—we want you to join the conversation!

Thursday, April 23, 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Fee: $15 members/$25  non-members. Limited attendance. Sign up during the conference registration process. If you have already registered for the conference you can sign up for Community and Connections through the Registration Resource Center. Lunch will be available for purchase at the event.

New Technology and Resources


Mi Hye Song

Oakland University

Stanley Fields

University of Washington School of Medicine

Genomics and Systems Biology - Computational Biology

Audrey Gasch

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Amanda Larracuente

University of Rochester

Genomics and Systems Biology - Gene/Protein/Regulatory Networks

Shawn Burgess


Tracy Dohn

Waynesburg University

Evolutionary and Population Genetics - Comparative genomics

Robert Anholt

Clemson University

Nitin Phadnis

University of Utah

Amanda Moehring

Western University

Evolutionary and Population Genetics - Speciation, Adaptation and Natural Selection

Mollie Manier

George Washington University

Sara Hanson

Colorado College

Evolutionary and Population Genetics - Response to climate change

Geoffrey Morris

Kansas State University

Priscilla Erickson

University of Virginia/University of Richmond

Quantitative Genetics - Statistical genetics methods

Adelaide Tovar

University of North Carolina

Jorge Vasquez-Kool

Meredith College

Quantitative Genetics - Gene-gene interaction (epistasis)

Gregory Carter

The Jackson Laboratory

Erika Geisbrecht

Kansas State University

Developmental Genetics - Patterning, morphogenesis and organogenesis

Aaron Johnson

Washington University School of Medicine

Mark Peifer

University of North Carolina

Julie Brill

Hospital for Sick Children

Developmental Genetics - Cell death

Kimberly McCall

Boston University

Alisa Piekny

Concordia University

Intracellular Dynamics - Metabolism

Laura Reed

University of Alabama

Mara Duncan

University of Michigan

Intracellular Dynamics - Cell cycle, cell division, cytokinesis

Jessica Fellmeth

Rutgers University

Scott Holmes

Wesleyan University

Judith Yanowitz

University of Pittsburgh/ Magee-Womens Research Institute

Gene Regulation - Non-coding RNAs

Julie Claycomb

University of Toronto

Helen Salz

Case Western Reserve University

Disease Models and Aging - Infection and immunity

Jianjun Sun

University of Connecticut

Tina Tootle

University of Iowa

Disease Models and Aging - Aging

Wu-Min Deng

Tulane School of Medicine

Alicia Meléndez

Queens College, City University of NY

Genome Integrity - DNA repair and recombination

Jan LaRocque

Georgetown University

Paula Checchi

Marist College

Genome Integrity - Telomeres

Jane Kim

California State University San Marcos

Mara Schvarzstein

Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center at CUNY

Neurogenetics - Behavioral genetics

Adam Miller

University of Oregon

Lindsey Goodman

Baylor College of Medicine

Neurogenetics - Neurodevelopment

Jennifer Jemc

Loyola University Chicago

Clement Chow

University of Utah

Sudershana Nair

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Best Practices in Training and Education - Diversity and inclusion in training and outreach

Andrew Arsham

Bemidji State University

Nancy Pokrywka

Vassar College

Gene Regulation - Epigenetics

Deepika Jaiswal

University Of Maryland Baltimore COunty

Nicole Riddle

University of Alabama at Birmingham
