Travel Awards

GSA Undergraduate Travel Awards

Undergraduate GSA members are eligible to apply for a GSA Undergraduate Travel Award. The awards provide travel or registration support for presenting research findings at a GSA conference, including TAGC 2020. Undergraduate researchers attending TAGC 2020 to present Drosophila research may apply for the Victoria Finnerty Undergraduate Travel Award using the same application. Applications are due January 15, 2020.

Visit the award website for more information.

TAGC Travel Awards

TAGC Travel Awards help offset travel or registration costs for early career scientists who are members of GSA to attend The Allied Genetics Conference. The goal is to supplement funding for graduate students and postdocs who would otherwise be unable to attend the meeting. We particularly encourage members of groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences to apply. Applications are due January 15, 2020.

Apply for a TAGC Travel Award.

TAGC Travel Awards – New Faculty members

TAGC Travel Awards help offset travel or registration costs for early-stage, tenure-track junior faculty (within their first 5 years) who are GSA members to attend TAGC. The goal is to supplement funding for new faculty members who would otherwise be unable to attend the meeting. Applications are due January 27, 2020.

Apply for a New Faculty TAGC Travel Award.

FASEB DREAM Mentored Poster/Platform Presenter Award 

This specialized mentoring program and travel award from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is designed to provide students and postdocs access to resources, opportunities, mentoring, and professional development to enhance their overall TAGC experience. To help diversify participation in the program, we particularly encourage students and postdocs from groups identified as underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences to apply. Applications are due January 15, 2020. Deadline extended to January 31, 2020.

Apply for a FASEB DREAM Award.

DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics

Graduate student and postdoctoral GSA members are eligible to apply for this award to support travel costs for conferences and courses, including TAGC 2020. Visit the award website for more information. The relevant application cycle for attendance at TAGC 2020 has now closed.

Support early career scientists by contributing to the DeLill Nasser Fund.
