How to Participate in TAGC Online

As GSA’s first online conference, TAGC Online is an experiment. We have tried to retain as many aspects as possible of the original program, but please bear in mind that this event will inevitably be different to a typical GSA conference. This page serves as an overview and a hub for more detailed information on how to participate as an attendee in the different aspects of the program.

Oral Presentations

The keynote and concurrent oral presentation sessions will take place April 22–25 and be held via live Zoom Webinars. Recordings of the sessions will be available for 30 days afterwards. You will need to register for the conference and log in to the Program Planner or Mobile App to view the live sessions or recordings.

How to view oral presentations ≫

Poster Presentations

Attendees can access poster PDFs and optional audio/video walkthrough files using the Planner/App from April 21. All poster files will be hosted at figshare and will be publicly available.

The following week (April 27–May 1), some of poster presenters will be available in small groups during pre-scheduled Q&A sessions. These sessions will be grouped by theme and keyword and conducted using Zoom Meetings accessed from the Program Planner or Mobile App.

How to view poster presentations ≫


On Tuesdays and Thursdays from May 7–June 18, TAGC workshops will be held online via Zoom.

View workshop schedule ≫


Participants can join the TAGC Slack chat channels, which provide an additional platform for discussing the program and connecting with other attendees and exhibitors.

Slack chat channels ≫


For Presenters

For more detailed instructions for oral and poster presenters, visit the For Presenters page.
