About TAGC Online

TAGC is a unique conference organized by the Genetics Society of America that fosters collaboration by alternating community-specific sessions with cross-community thematic sessions. After the in-person version of the meeting was canceled, we recreated TAGC Online as a virtual meeting that allows you to share your research and stay connected without leaving your home.

Join us online April 22–25, 2020. There is no cost to attend, but you must register in advance!

At TAGC Online you can join colleagues from the C. elegans,  Drosophila, mammalian, Xenopus, yeast, zebrafish, and population, evolutionary, and quantitative genetics (PEQG) research communities—along with other researchers studying humans, plants, and agricultural species. In addition to the Community Sessions, Thematic Sessions bring the communities together around unifying themes.

On April 22–25, both Community and Thematic Sessions will be presented live online. TAGC 2020 Online will also include posters and inspiring Keynote Speakers, followed by a program of poster discussion sessions and two-hour workshops in the weeks after the main event. TAGC 2020 is organized by dedicated members of the GSA community. We hope you’ll join us for this exciting experiment!
