TAGC Online Slack

At an in-person meeting, you might grab a cup of coffee with a colleague to discuss the talk you just heard. You might sit next to someone you didn’t know during a keynote and end up chatting about the exciting presentation. You might go to a meetup focused on a topic relevant to you or your work and meet new folks who could become collaborators.

How can we try to capture some of this magic virtually?

The TAGC Online Slack workspace is the place to go and chat with other attendees about what you’re learning from the meeting.

Join channels based on community, theme, and more

The TAGC Online Slack has channels for each community participating in TAGC, each of the 12 research themes, and each of the coffee break meetup topics. Join the channels relevant to your work to catch up with other attendees with similar interests throughout the meeting. Chat with exhibitors and get application tips or learn about their latest products.

Community channels begin with “c_”, theme channels begin with “t_”, and meetup channels begin with “m_”. Channels with information for all attendees begin with “a_”. Exhibitor channels begin with “e_”.

Users will automatically be added to the channels meant for all attendees (all “a_” channels) but will need to add themselves to additional channels they’re interested in. There are instructions below for finding and joining channels.

New to Slack?

Code of conduct

When you register for TAGC you agree to abide by the GSA Conferences Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct was established to communicate a transparent set of standards and guidelines for acceptable behavior at GSA Conferences and to provide a positive, safe, and welcoming environment for all attendees. The Slack will be moderated for disruptive behavior, and anyone violating the Code of Conduct will be removed.

C. elegansc_celegans
Canadian Institutes of Health Researche_cihr
Genomics Education Partnershipe_genomicsedupartner
Canadian Rare Diseases: Models and Mechanisms Networke_rdmm
US Bioe_usbio
Disability in sciencem_disabilitysci
LGBTQ+ in sciencem_lgbtqsci
Parents in sciencem_parentssci
PUI Educatorsm_puieducators
Science Communicationm_sciomm
Developmental Geneticst_developmentalgen
Disease Models and Agingt_diseasemodelsaging
Ethical, Legal, Social Issuest_ethicslegalsocial
Evolutionary and Population Geneticst_evopopgen
Gene Regulationt_generegulation
Genome Integrityt_genomeintegrity
Genomics and Systems Biologyt_genomicssysbio
Intracellular Dynamicst_intracellulardyn
New Technology and Resourcest_newtechresources
Quantitative Geneticst_quantgen
Best Practices in Training and Educationt_trainingeducation
