Poster Presenter Guidelines

TAGC Posters Overview

Poster presentations at TAGC 2020 Online will consist of two parts:

  • Poster presentations: a collection of poster PDFs and audio or video files hosted at figshare for attendees to “visit” starting on April 21
  • Poster Q&As: live poster Q&A sessions the week of April 27 for attendees to meet virtually with presenters and ask questions or give feedback

Poster Presentations

To present a poster at TAGC 2020 Online, presenters must upload a PDF of their poster to the TAGC figshare collection. They may also upload an optional audio/video walkthrough of their poster presentation (no longer than 10 minutes), which will act as a guided presentation for attendees to view or listen to while viewing the poster. Poster materials will be linked from the abstract entry in the Program Planner/Mobile App and also browsable through the TAGC 2020 figshare collection.

Due to the nature of a virtual meeting, the handling of poster materials at TAGC 2020 Online is necessarily different than an in-person meeting. To ensure ownership of posters remains with the authors, we have partnered with the data repository figshare to host poster materials. This means that all poster materials will be posted publicly.

When you view poster materials at TAGC, remember that posters are typically works in progress. We expect poster attendees to treat virtual posters exactly as they would in-person posters and not to cite them without permission of the presenter.

That said, it is important for presenters to understand that items uploaded to figshare are, per figshare’s own scope, public, citable, shareable, licensed to the presenter, and available online for a minimum of 10 years. This may change the information you choose to include in your poster.

Poster materials will go live ahead of the start of the meeting on April 21. Poster upload began on April 13 and ended on April 17.

Poster submission is now closed.

Poster Q&A Sessions

To provide attendees the opportunity to ask questions about posters, we will be hosting live poster Q&A sessions during the week following TAGC 2020 Online, from April 27 to May 1. Poster Q&A Sessions are optional for presenters.

Poster presenters will be organized into groups of 4-6 based on topics and keywords. Each group will be available via a Zoom meeting for a 30-minute live Q&A session. Each presenter will introduce themselves and their poster topic and then take questions.

To make the best use of the allotted time, attendees are strongly encouraged to view posters they’re interested in during the week of TAGC 2020 Online and come to poster Q&A sessions ready to ask any questions and discuss the materials. There will not be time for each presenter to walk through their entire poster.

More information on timing of sessions, presentation structure, and technical requirements for participation will be available soon.

Poster Previews

Posters originally assigned Poster Preview talks during the in-person meeting will not be presented during the related live oral presentation session. Instead these posters will be highlighted at the end of the appropriate session, on the website, and in the program planner/meeting app. Poster Preview presenters are invited to upload a 2-minute video or audio preview of their poster in addition to the longer poster presentation.

Invite Poster Viewers

Undergraduate, graduate student, and postdoctoral GSA members may invite up to three specific scientists to attend their poster presentation through GSA’s poster invitation program. GSA will reach out to these scientists and invite them to attend the meeting and your poster. Your abstract and contact details will be included in the invitation. Submissions are due by April 17, 2020.

Submit invitations »

Frequently Asked Questions for Poster Presenters

What dimensions should my poster be? Do you have any guidelines for presenting a virtual poster?

Can I upload an audio or video walkthrough of my poster?

Do I have to upload an audio or video walkthrough of my poster as part of my presentation?

Will I give a full walkthrough of my poster material during the live poster Q&A session?

Can I present additional slides/information during the live poster Q&A session?

Will my poster be available online after the meeting? Will people be able to download my poster?

Will posting my poster at figshare count as pre-publication sharing of my research?

I have preliminary/sensitive data that I’m not comfortable posting online at this time. Can I still participate?

Why are posters being hosted at a public data repository rather than by some private means?

Can I participate in a live Q&A session if I don’t post my poster at figshare?

Due to lab closures and other circumstances, I have been unable to complete experiments I wanted to include in my poster. Can I still present?

I have a question not answered by the FAQs. Who should I contact?
