Viewing Posters

TAGC Posters Overview

Poster presentations at TAGC 2020 Online will consist of two parts:

  • Poster presentations: a collection of poster PDFs and audio or video walkthroughs hosted at figshare for attendees to “visit” starting on April 21
  • Poster Q&As: live poster Q&A sessions the week of April 27 for attendees to meet virtually with presenters and ask questions or give feedback

Due to the nature of a virtual meeting, the handling of poster materials at TAGC 2020 Online is necessarily different than an in-person meeting. To ensure ownership of posters remains with the authors, we have partnered with the data repository figshare to host poster materials. This means that all poster materials will be posted publicly.

When you view poster materials at TAGC, remember that posters are typically works in progress. We expect poster attendees to treat virtual posters exactly as they would in-person posters and not to cite or reproduce any part of them without permission from the presenter.

That said, it is important for presenters to understand that items uploaded to figshare are, per figshare’s own scope, public, citable, shareable, licensed to the presenter, and available online for a minimum of 10 years. This may change the information you choose to include in your poster.

Planning your schedule

You will first need to register for TAGC 2020 Online. Once you have registered, you should log in to the Program Planner or Mobile App using your last name and registration badge number.

You will need to use the Planner/App to access the Q&A sessions. For the best experience, we strongly recommend you build your schedule using the schedule function of the Planner/App. Once logged in, browse or search the sessions.

Add sessions and posters to your personal schedule using the “Add event to your schedule” icon, which is in the top right-hand corner of each session or poster detail view (i.e. the view visible once you click the title of the session or poster):

Viewing posters

Starting on April 21, you can use the Planner / App to view poster materials.

At the bottom of each poster listing will be a link to the related figshare entry in the TAGC 2020 Online figshare collection.

You can explore poster abstracts by choosing Session Type>Poster from the left-hand navigation menu and then using the search bar to look for specific authors, topics, and keywords.

All posters without a Q&A session are listed under one large session that is displayed as taking place on Sunday, April 26. You can disregard the time/date on this session. Technology constraints force us to display a date even for those posters without Q&A sessions, but in fact the poster materials can be viewed at any time during and after the conference.

Some posters will have associated live Q&A sessions where the presenters will be available in small groups to answer questions. These sessions will take place from April 27 to May 1 and are organized by conference theme and keyword. Information on the time and date of each live Q&A session will be available from the related abstract entry.

To view live poster Q&As by session, choose Day from the left-hand navigation menu, then choose a day from April 27 to May 1. There are five sessions each day Monday through Thursday and six sessions on Friday, organized by conference theme.

Joining a live poster Q&A session

Each poster with a live Q&A session has been assigned a 2-minute presentation time. This specificity is due to technical constraints; however, live Q&A sessions are thirty minutes long and begin at the top of every hour and half hour. If the poster you’re interested in is programmed for 12:32-12:34 p.m. EDT, that means it belongs to the session running from 12:30-1:00 p.m. EDT.

Before you attend a live Q&A, you should read your poster/s of interest and view the relevant audio/video materials. Poster presenters will not have time to fully explain their posters during the Q&A session itself, so attendees should come prepared with questions and comments.

At 11:50 a.m. EDT each day of poster sessions, the abstract entry in the Planner/App will display a “Join Virtual Session” button. These Zoom meetings will run the full length of the day’s poster session (e.g. 12:00 to 3:00 PM EDT on April 28) with presenting authors rotating at the top of each hour and half-hour. If you join the session early, you may catch the end of the previous discussion. Please remain in the session with your microphone muted while you wait.

Five minutes before your chosen session starts:

  • Log into the Program Planner or Mobile App
  • Access your personal schedule using the “Schedule” tab.
  • Tap or click the “Join Virtual Session” button on your chosen session or abstract. This will allow you to join the Zoom Meeting. Note that the “Join Virtual Session” button for each session will only become available at 11:50 a.m. each day.

At the end of the half-hour period, a moderator will announce the change in topic and presenters, signaling the end of your chosen session. You may leave the meeting at this time.

Asking questions for posters without a Q&A

If you’d like to ask questions about a poster that doesn’t have a Q&A session, join the TAGC Online Slack. Post your question in the #t_posterswithoutqa channel and include the program number and presenter’s last name in the message.

We encourage poster presenters to check this channel for questions by searching the channel for their program number.

Technical requirements

There are no specific technical requirements for viewing posters at TAGC 2020 Online. Posters will be hosted at figshare and viewable in any browser without download. No specific software is needed.

Live poster Q&A sessions will happen through the web conferencing platform Zoom Meeting. For the best TAGC experience through the Zoom Platform, we recommend the following:

  • Use your computer rather than your mobile device. Although both will work, the quality should be better with your computer.
  • Make sure your connection speed is 2 Mbps upload, 4 Mbps download or better if you will be using your camera. You can test your Internet connection speed at
  • Using a wired Ethernet connection provides the best quality, but WiFi should be fine.
  • We recommend testing your camera and microphone ahead of time. We encourage you to use your camera during the discussion if you are comfortable doing so and have a high enough connection speed. However, using the camera is not required.

Code of conduct

When you register for TAGC you agree to abide by the GSA Conferences Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct was established to communicate a transparent set of standards and guidelines for acceptable behavior at GSA Conferences and to provide a positive, safe, and welcoming environment for all attendees. All sessions will be moderated for disruptive behavior.


The live poster Q&A sessions will not be recorded.


If you have questions about poster presentations that aren’t covered in the FAQs, please contact

Poster Attendee FAQs

A poster I’m interested in is scheduled for a 2-minute presentation. Is that correct?

A poster I’m interested in is scheduled for a full day from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM. Is that correct?

I can't find the posters. Where are they?

I can’t find the “View Virtual Session” button. Where is it?

Will the poster Q&A sessions be recorded and shared?

The poster I'm interested in is not scheduled for a Q&A session. How do I ask a question?

How do I know whether or not the poster I'm interested in is scheduled for a live Q&A or not?

What are you doing to prevent Zoombombing of the Q&A sessions?
