Other Communities

Don’t see your research community among the eight listed? Not to worry—there’s a place for you at TAGC! We’re expecting researchers from all areas, including human genetics, neurogenetics, and genomics, to join us. You’ll have an abundance of choices because both the Thematic Sessions and Community Sessions are organized by topic. That means there will always be a session of interest—no matter your subject area or organism—that can help you uncover new angles on your favorite question. And attendees from every community can reach a broad audience by presenting in Thematic Sessions or at the Poster Sessions. You can expect to meet plenty of scientists who use a wide array of organisms across subfields of genetics and genomics.

Whether you’re a human geneticist interested in quantitative genetics or a cell biologist looking for the latest technologies, TAGC 2024 will make it easy to connect with new people and ideas.

Read the complete list of themes and topics at TAGC 2024.
