Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics (PEQG) Community Information

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Connect with the PEQG research community at TAGC 2024! The meeting’s unique format offers multiple opportunities for you to share your work, learn about the latest research and tools, and build community. Hear the latest at the PEQG Community and Poster Sessions.

Don’t miss the PEQG Conference!
Are you looking to attend the Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference? TAGC 2024 incorporates this meeting for 2024, so you don’t want to miss out!

What’s the hashtag?

The conference hashtag is #TAGC24. Use the #PEQG24 community-specific hashtag alongside #TAGC24 to allow everyone to follow along!

Stay tuned for more information about Invited Speakers. 

Invited Speakers

Jenn Coughlan

Yale University

Elizabeth Everman

University of Oklahoma

Kerry Geiler-Samerotte

Arizona State University

Sara Mathieson

Haverford College


Li Zhao

The Rockefeller University

Community Program Committee

Chair, Bret Payseur, University of Wisconsin
Lila Fishman, University of Montana
Ryan Gutenkunst, University of Arizona
John Kelly, University of Kansas
Mia Levine, University of Pennsylvania
Sohini Ramachandran, Brown University

Community Special Events and Awards


GSA presents the James F. Crow Early Career Researcher Award to students and recent PhDs conducting population, evolutionary, or quantitative genetics research. The 2024 winner will present their research in a high-profile plenary session. The application deadline was November 1, 2023. The next award will be given in 2026. The application will open in December 2025.

Learn more about the James F. Crow Award.



Olivia S. Harringmeyer (Winner), Harvard University


Ekaterina Osipova, Harvard University
Angel Cisneros Caballero, Université Laval
Mark Hibbins, University of Toronto
Tianzhu Xiong, Cornell University


Ailene MacPherson, Simon Fraser University


Malgorzata Gazda, Institut Pasteur
Julia M. Kreiner, University of British Columbia
Jacob L. Steenwyk, Vanderbilt University
Bo Xia, New York University


Carl Veller, Harvard University 


Cara Brand, University of Pennsylvania
Moisés Exposito-Alonso, Stanford University
Pavitra Muralidhar, Harvard University
Yuval Simons, Stanford University

Katherine Xue, University of Washington

Jeremy Berg, Columbia University
Alison F. Feder, Stanford University
Amy Goldberg, University of California, Berkeley
Emily B. Josephs, University of California, Davis
Emily C. Moore, North Carolina State University

Sarah Sander, Cornell University

Matthew S. Ackerman, Indiana University, Bloomington
Emily Behrman, University of Pennsylvania
Heath Blackmon, University of Minnesota
Gili Greenbaum, Ben-Gurion University
Sandeep Venkataram, Stanford University

Presentation Opportunities

Abstracts will be reviewed and scheduled in one of three types of sessions:

  • Posters
  • Community (oral)
  • Thematic (oral)

After you submit an abstract, see the Author Assignments page to view your assignment. 

Abstracts submitted in the following categories will be reviewed by the PEQG Program Committee, not by the organism-specific community committees.

Population and Evolutionary Genetics

  Adaptation and Natural Selection

  Biodiversity genomics

  Comparative and evolutionary genomics

  Ecological and conservation genetics

  Evolution of COVID-19

  Experimental evolution

  Genomic diversity in populations

  Population history

  Phylogenetics, macroevolution, and biogeography

  Response to climate change

  Speciation, hybridization, and domestication

Quantitative Genetics

  Complex trait genetics

  Gene-environment interactions

  Gene-gene interaction (epistasis)

  Genomic selection/prediction

  Statistical genetics methods

  Systems genetics

Conference History

2022: Pacific Grove, CA
2020: TAGC Online
2018: Madison, WI
2016: Orlando, FL
