Steven Munger
Assistant Professor of Systems Genetics, The Jackson Laboratory
Candidacy Statement: I’m honored – and frankly surprised – to be nominated for a Director position on the GSA. As a young PI (in stage if not in age) only a few years removed from my post-doc, I do not have a long list of discoveries to highlight, especially when compared to the accomplishments of more established investigators that usually occupy these prestigious positions. If you value that decorated CV above all else, you should probably look elsewhere. However, if you enjoy betting on the longshot or rooting for the upset, let me offer my biography and a few reasons why I think I’m deserving of your vote.
My love of genetics was sparked in Sally Camper’s undergraduate genetics course at Michigan, and led me to pursue a PhD in developmental genetics at Duke. During this period, I witnessed the explosion in genomic technologies, and I became interested in applying “Big Data” to my own research. This interest was limited by a complete absence of computational training, but it motivated me to pursue a computational post-doc at The Jackson Laboratory (JAX), where I learned to code at the age of 35. This difficult but rewarding decision provided me with a unique perspective on the challenges (and opportunities) facing established researchers and trainees in our increasingly data-intensive arena. My independent research group is the F1 hybrid of my diverse training experiences, and is composed of experimentalists and computational researchers that both receive cross-disciplinary training.
I try to share my passion and experience as much as possible through teaching, service, and public outreach. I teach short courses at JAX and CSHL that introduce experimentalists to genomic resources and computational methods. I’ve served twice on the IMGS Secretariat, appointed first as the Verne Chapman Award winner while still a graduate student, and then later elected as a new PI. During that tenure, I focused my efforts toward increasing the number of leadership and development opportunities for students in the Society. This experience helped me conceive and organize the first trainee symposium at JAX, which four years later is a highlight of our scientific calendar and attracts nearly 150 attendees. Currently, I’m the mammalian community representative on GSA’s Allied Program Committee, and have worked to showcase the most interesting and impactful mammalian research to the broader community at TAGC2020. I have also spent considerable time soliciting vendors and sponsors to ensure the financial stability of our society and help keep registration fees low.
As a member of the Board of Directors, I will apply my broad experience to help grow, develop, and support our next generation of leaders. I will seek to expand the reach and impact of Society journals and our influence on science-related public policy. In short, I promise that I will devote my time and efforts toward ensuring the vitality of the GSA and long-term viability and beneficial impacts of model organism research. Thank you for your time, and for considering taking a chance on this underdog.
Education: BS Biology, The University of Michigan (1999), PhD in Genetics, Duke University (2010) (with Blanche Capel, PhD)
Career Summary: Assistant Professor, The Jackson Laboratory (2015-Present); Postdoctoral Training: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Jackson Laboratory, (2011-2015) (with Gary Churchill, PhD), Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University (2010-2011) (with Blanche Capel, PhD), Quality Control Technologist, Dow Chemical Company (2003-2004), Research and Development Technologist, Dow Chemical Company (2000-2003), Substitute 9-12 Grade Science Teacher, Waterford Kettering High School (1999-2000)
Honors and Awards: Selected as sole mouse field representative to the Allied Program Committee of The Allied Genetics Conference 2020 (2018-2020), Genetics Society of America, Commencement Speaker, Sumner Memorial High School (2018), Alfond Leaders Award, The Harold Alfond Foundation (2017), Reviewer’s Choice Abstract Award American Society of Human Genetics Meeting (2016), Elected to Secretariat of the International Mammalian Genome Society (2015-2017), Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (2013-2015), The Jackson Laboratory Fellowship (2011-2013), Chicago Prize for Outstanding Oral Presentation (2013) 12thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community, Best Oral Presentation by a Post-Doctoral Fellow, 11thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community (2012), Verne Chapman Memorial Young Scientist Award (2011), International Mammalian Genome Society, Best Oral Presentation by a Graduate Student 7thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Consortium (2008), NIH Predoctoral Training Grant (2004-2006)
Professional Service: Mouse Representative, TAGC Allied Program Committee, Genetics Society of America, Secretariat of International Mammalian Genome Society 2011-2013, 2015-2017, Organizing committee for Maine Biological Medical Sciences Symposium 2016-2018, Abstract Review Committee, American Society of Human Genetics 2018 Meeting; Session Chair: Mammalian Genetics and Genomics: From Molecular Mechanisms to Translational Applications 2017, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 44thMaine Biological Medical Sciences Symposium 2017, Bar Harbor, ME, The Allied Genetics Meeting 2016, Orlando, FL, 13thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community 2014, Berlin, Germany, 27thInternational Mammalian Genome Conference 2013, Salamanca, Spain, 26thInternational Mammalian Genome Conference 2012, St. Pete Beach, FL, 11thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community 2012, Paris, France; Ad Hoc Reviewer: GENETICS, G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics, Nature, Nature Genetics, Genome Research, Bioinformatics, Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, ELife, Experimental Cell Research, Frontiers Neuroscience, Nucleic Acids Research, PLoS Computational Biology, BMC Developmental Biology, NIEHS Environmental Health Perspectives, Guest associate editor: PLoS Genetics
Research Interests: I combine advanced computational methods with experimental validation techniques in high-resolution genetic mapping populations—an integrative approach called ‘systems genetics’—to elucidate the gene regulatory architecture governing cell fate decisions during early development and tissue homeostasis in adulthood. My research takes advantage of the emerging Diversity Outbred (DO) and Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse populations, complementary reservoirs of natural genetic perturbations that segregate high genetic diversity with a balanced population structure ideal for high-resolution genetic mapping, to characterize the effects of genetic variation on multiple layers of gene regulation and infer predictive network models underlying cell fate decisions. This systems genetic approach has enabled me to (1) define the consequences of genetic variation on transcript and protein abundance in the adult liver, and in so doing discover that pervasive transcriptional variation is largely constrained at the level of protein abundance by the relative stoichiometry of protein binding partners and complex members, and (2) predict and validate genetic variants that influence multiple layers of gene regulation and ultimately underlie ground state pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells. Through my training and research over the past ten years, I have purposefully acquired expertise in developmental biology, complex trait genetics, genomics and proteomics, statistical inference, and bioinformatics, with the goal of applying this interdisciplinary skillset to dissect and manipulate the gene regulatory networks that drive cell fate processes and influence disease risk.
David Threadgill
Professor, The Tom and Jean McMullin Chair of Genetics, Director of the Whole Systems Genomics Initiative, Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Texas A&M University
Candidacy Statement: The Genetics Society of America is the premier scientific organization that promotes training and research in genetics. Because of the importance of the GSA, I am interested in serving on the board to apply by experiences to assist the GSA in moving to a new level of visibility and impact. I have been active in the GSA by serving on the editorial boards for both GENETICS and G3, and the selection committee for the DeLill Nasser Awards for Professional Development in Genetics. I also led the 2011 meeting of the International Mammalian Genome Society that was co-organized with the GSA. Additionally, I am a past-president of the International Mammalian Genome Society, one of the founders of the Complex Trait Community, and have served on the Board of Directors for the Texas Genetics Society. My research lab uses the mouse as a model organism to study complex gene-environment interactions underlying human health and disease. I have graduated over 20 PhD students in genetics and provide research experiences for 15-25 undergraduate students each year in addition to teaching genetics courses to undergraduate and graduate students, both at my home institution and at partner under-represented minority-serving institutions. I believe these experiences provide me a unique perspective on how both to better engage the mouse genetics community in the GSA but also ideas to extend the reach of the GSA by linking with well-established regional organizations with similar goals to increase the impact and visibility of Genetics.
Education: BS, 1983, Texas A&M University, Zoology, PhD, 1989, Texas A&M University, Genetics
Career Summary: Post-doc, Case Western Reserve University, Genetics, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Vanderbilt University, (1996-2000), Assistant, Associate, Professor, Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, (2000-2008), Professor and Head, Department of Genetics, North Carolina State University, (2008-2013), Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology and Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Texas A&M University/Texas A&M University Health Science Center, (2013-2015), Tom and Jean McMullin Chair of Genetics, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, (2013-present), University Distinguished Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University and Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, (2015-2018), University Distinguished Professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine and Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Texas A&M University, (2018-present), Founding Director, Texas A&M Institute for Genome Sciences and Society, (2014-present), Director, Texas A&M Center for Environmental Health Research, (2017-present)
Honors and Awards: Faculty Auxiliary Graduate Award, Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine, (1987), Graduate Student Travel Award from The Genetics Society of America to attend the XVIth International Congress of Genetics, Toronto, Canada, (1988), Fellowship to attend the International Summer School on the Molecular Genetics of Differentiation. Berlin, Germany, (1989), Young Investigator Travel Award from HGM10 to attend the 10thInternational Workshop on Human Gene Mapping, New Haven, CT, (1989), Outstanding Graduate Award for Research, Texas A&M University, (1989), NIGMS Individual National Research Service Award, (1991-1993), March of Dimes Basil O’Conner Award. (1998), V Foundation Scholar Award, (1998), Jefferson Pilot Scholar Award, (2004), UNC-Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinical/Translational Research Award, (2005), Society of Toxicology Best Manuscript Award from the Occupational and Public Health Specialty Section (American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 296:E203-210), (2009), Society of Toxicology award for Most Influential Paper Affecting the Science of Risk Assessment (Genome Research 19:1507-1515), (2010), National Institutes of Health College of CSR Reviewers, (2010-2012), Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), (2011), Outstanding Research Leader Award, Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, (2015), Barbara Bowman Distinguished Texas Geneticist Award, Texas Genetics Society, (2018), Toxicological Sciences Paper of the Year Award (Toxicological Sciences 158:48-62), (2019), Excellence in Mentorship and Support Award, TAMU Genetics Graduate Student Association, (2019)
Professional Service: Discipline: Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium, Co-founder and Scientific Working Group, (1998-2000), NCI-Mouse Models of Human Cancer Consortium, Steering Committee, (1999-2014), NHGRI Advisory Panel on Mouse SNP Resources, (2002), NHGRI Advisory Panel on Genetic Variation, (2002), Complex Trait Consortium, Co-founder, (2002), International Mammalian Genome Society, Nomination and Election Committee (elected), (2003-2005), NIEHS Search Committee for Faculty position in the Laboratory of Respiratory Biology, External committee member, (2004), NCI Director’s Think Tank on Susceptibility and Resistance to Cancer, Chair, (2004), 18thInternational Mammalian Genome Meeting, Session Chair, (2004), Colon Cancer in Murine Models and Humans, Session Chair, (2004), NIEHS Advisory Panel on Multi-Strain Approaches for Toxicity Testing, (2005), AACR Annual Meeting, Member of the Animal Models and Other Model Organisms Subcommittee, (2005), Vanderbilt SPORE in GI Cancer, External Advisory Board, (2005-2013), NCI Radiation Carcinogenesis Workshop speaker, (2006), External Advisor to planning committee for Division of Quantitative Genetics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Foundation, (2006), Vanderbilt-ORNL Superfund Program, External Advisory Board, (2006-2008), NCI Think Tank on Mouse Models and Early Interventions, (2007), Centre for Modeling Human Disease, External Advisor, Toronto, Canada, (2007), Gordon Conference on Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Session Chair, (2007), Keystone Symposia on Reproduction: Advances and Challenges, Session Chair, (2007), NHLBI Genes and the Environment Initiative Workshop speaker, (2007), International Mammalian Genome Society, Secretariat (elected), (2007-2008) (resigned to accept role of President-elect), Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, External Advisor, (2008), NIEHS Search Committee for Chief of Host Susceptibility Branch, External committee member, (2008), International Mammalian Genome Society, President-elect (elected), (2008-2010), President, (2010-2012), Past-President, (2012-2014), Carolina Center for Computational Toxicology, External Advisory Board, (2009-2013), NIEHS Search Committee for Developmental Biologist, External committee member, (2009), International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice, member (elected), (2009-2014), AACR Think Tank on Clinical and Translational Cancer Research (Speaker), San Francisco, CA, (2010), Whole Systems Genomics Initiative, External Advisory Board, Texas A&M University, (2010-2013), NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine, Industry Interactions Workgroup (Speaker), (2012), Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics, External Departmental Reviewer (Chair), Ohio State University, (2012), National Consortium for Data Science, steering committee member, (2012), Moffitt Cancer Center SPORE in GI Cancer, External Advisory Board, (2012), National Academies of Science Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions Planning Workshop, Presenter, Washington DC, (2014), The Long Now Foundation Revive & Restore Genetic Rescue for Endangered and Extinct Species: New Genomic Solutions for Conservation Problems Workshop, San Francisco, CA, (2015), Peromyscus Genetics Stock Center External Advisory Board, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, (2015-present), Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents steering committee, (2016-present), Vanderbilt SPORE in GI Cancer, External Advisory Board, (2016-present), NCI Board of Scientific Counselors-Basic Research, (2016-present), ORNL-UT Governor’s Chair external review committee, (2017), Genetics Society of America, DeLill Nasser Award Selection Committee, (2017-2019), University of North Texas Health Science Center, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences review committee, (2019) Institution: Genetics Task Force, Vanderbilt, (1998-2000), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Vanderbilt, (1998-2000), Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Graduate Admission Committee, UNC, (2000-2001), Microarray and Genomics Core, Faculty Scientific Co-Advisor, UNC, (2000-2005), Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine Advisory Committee, UNC, (2001-2008), Lineberger faculty search committee, UNC, (2002-2005), Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Director of Admissions, UNC, (2003-2006), Marilyn Gentry Fellowship Program in Nutrition and Cancer selection committee, UNC, (2004-2006), Nutrition faculty search committee, UNC, (2004), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, UNC, (2004-2008), Biomedical Sciences Graduate Training Task Force, Committee Member, UNC, (2005-2006), Curriculum in Toxicology, Graduate Admissions Committee, UNC, (2005-2007), Lineberger Graduate Fellow Award committee, UNC, (2006-2008), Interdisciplinary Obesity Training Post-doctoral Fellowship selection committee, UNC, (2006-2008), Cancer Genetics faculty search committee chair, UNC, (2007), Lineberger Post-doctoral Fellowship selection committee, UNC, (2007-2008), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences research grant director search committee, NCSU, (2009), Health and Wellbeing University Advisory Committee, NCSU, (2009-2010), Implementation Team for the NC State Response to the UNC Vision for Technology Transfer, NCSU, (2009-2010), Sponsored Projects Management Administrative Processes Improvement Task Force member, NCSU, (2009-2010), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department Heads representative to Dean and Directors executive committee, NCSU, (2011), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Academic Advisory Committee, NCSU, (2010-2011), University Strategic Planning Steering Committee member, and Research and Scholarship Task Force co-chair, NCSU, (2010-2011), College of Agriculture and Life Science 26thAnnual Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop, Faculty Organizer, NCSU, (2012), College of Sciences Academic Program, Personnel and Policy Implementation Team, NCSU, (2012), College of Sciences, Internal Organizational Steering Committee, NCSU, (2012-2013), College of Sciences, Laboratory Animal Resources Subcommittee for College of Sciences Infrastructure, NCSU, (2012-2013), College of Agriculture and Life Science 27thAnnual Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop, Faculty Organizer, NCSU, (2013), Interdisciplinary Faculty of Toxicology executive committee (elected), TAMU, (2014-present), Rodent Phenotyping Core, faculty supervisor, TAMU, (2014-present), Research Computing Task Force member, TAMU, (2014-2015), College of Medicine Research Advisory Committee, TAMU, (2014-present, Chair, 2018-2019), Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Department Head search committee, TAMU, (2015), Health Science Center, College of Medicine Dean and VP HSC search committee, TAMU, (2015), Interdisciplinary Faculty of Genetics executive committee, TAMU, (2015-present), MD/PhD Program Executive Committee, College of Medicine, TAMU, (2016-present), Undergraduate Research Organization Council, TAMU, (2016-present), Council of Principal Investigators (elected to represent College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences), TAMU, (2016-2019), Council of Principal Investigators Executive Committee, TAMU, (2016-2017), Council of Principal Investigators, TAMU, President-elect (elected), (2017-2018, President, 2018-2019, Past-President, 2019-2020), Texas A&M Health Science Center, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research search committee co-chair, TAMU, (2017-2019), College of Medicine Faulty Pay Plan Design Committee, TAMU, (2017-2018), Faculty Advisory Task Force for President’s Large Projects Initiative, TAMU, (2017-2018), Present’s Excellence Fund Advisory Committee, TAMU, (2018-present), Distinguished Professor Selection Committee, TAMU, (2018-2019); Conference organizer: 5thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Consortium (175 participants), Chapel Hill, NC, (2006), 20thAnnual Meeting of the International Mammalian Genome Society (230 participants), Charleston, SC, (2006), Colon Cancer in Murine Models and Humans III (125 participants), Bar Harbor, ME, (2010), Genetics Society of America Mouse Genetics 2011 (400 participants), Washington, DC, (2011), Texas Genetics Society (100 participants), College Station, TX, (2018), Annual Meeting of the International Mammalian Genome Society (200 participants), San Juan, Puerto Rico, (2018), Texas Genetics Society (100 participants), College Station, TX, (2019); Conference organizing committee: 1stAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Consortium, Memphis, TN, (2002), 3rdAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Consortium, Bar Harbor, ME, (2004), NCI workshop on the ‘Predictive Models of Cancer Susceptibility: Integrated Strategies’, Huntington Beach, CA, (2005), European Commission-NIH-Genome Canada Workshop on ‘The Future of Research on Mouse Functional Genomics’, Brussels, Belgium, (2007), 26thAnnual Meeting of the International Mammalian Genome Society (130 participants), St. Petersburg, FL, (2012), 12thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community (160 participants), Berlin, Germany, (2014), 15thAnnual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community (150 participants), Memphis, TN, (2017), Journal editorial boards: Cancer Prevention Research, (2008-present), Genetics Research, (2010-2013), Mammalian Genome, (2011-present), Associate editor: Genetics, (2009-2017), G3: Genes, Genomes, and Genetics, (2011-present); Manuscript reviews: Genomics; Mammalian Genome; Laboratory Animal Science; Cancer Research; Journal of Molecular Endocrinology; Cell Growth and Differentiation; Genetics; Molecular and General Genetics; Genome Biology; Genesis; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; BioTechniques; ILAR Journal; Genome Research; Gastroenterology; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Circulation; Cytokine; Clinical Cancer Research; Brain Research; Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology; Nature Genetics; Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research; Human Molecular Genetics; Trends in Genetics, Molecular Carcinogenesis; Physiological Genomics; Science; Nature; Nature Medicine; Aging Cell; Study sections and grant review panels:USDA Animal Molecular Genetics and Gene Mapping Panel, (1993), USDA Animal Molecular Genetics and Gene Mapping Panel, (1995), USDA Animal Molecular Genetics and Gene Mapping Panel, (1997), NIH Biological Sciences 1 Study Section (1 meeting), (1999), NIH International and Cooperative Projects Study Section (1 meeting), 1999, NIH Biological Sciences 1 Study Section (1 meeting), (2000), NIH Mammalian Genetics Study Section (1 meeting), (2001), NIH Biological Sciences 1 Study Section (1 meeting), (2001), NIH Special Emphasis Panel, Pre-clinical Cancer Therapeutics, (2002), DOD Molecular Biology and Genetics of Breast Cancer Review Panel (1 meeting), (2002), NIH Mammalian Genetics Study Section (1 meeting), (2002), DOD Molecular Biology and Genetics of Breast Cancer Review Panel, (2003), NIH Mammalian Genetics Study Section (1 meeting), (2003), DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory Mouse Genetics Program, 2004, NIH Special Emphasis Panel, Resequencing the Mouse Genome, (2004), NIH Cancer Genetics Study Section (3 meetings), (2004), NIH Cancer Genetics Study Section (2 meetings), (2005), NCI SPORE in Breast Cancer (1 meeting), (2005), NIH Cancer Genetics Study Section, member, (2005-2008), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Life Sciences Division Laboratory Directed Research and Development Review Panel, (2006), NIMH Special Emphasis Panel, Mouse Resources for the Nervous System, (2006), NHGRI Special Emphasis Panel, Genome Research Resources, (2006), NIMH Conte Center Program Review Panel (1 meeting), (2006), NCI SPORE Programs Study Section (1 meeting), (2007), NIEHS Special Emphasis Panel, Biological Response Indicators of Environmental Stress Centers, (2007), NIMH Conte Center Program Review Panel (Chair, 1 meeting), (2007), NIH Oncology Fellowship Study Section (2 meetings), (2008), NIH Oncology Fellowship Study Section (2 meetings), (2009), NIHShared Instrumentation: Microscopy and Imaging Study Section (1 meeting), (2009), NCI ARRA Grand Opportunities, Comparative Oncology, (2009), NCI ARRA Competitive Revisions, Basic and Translational Oncology, (2009), NIH Member Conflict Special Emphasis Panel (Chair, 1 meeting), (2010), NIH Oncology Fellowship Study Section (1 meeting), (2010), NIAAA Special Emphasis Panel, Genetics of Alcoholism, (2010), AACR Basic Cancer Research Fellowship Review Committee, 2010, NIH Genetics of Health and Disease Study Section (1 meeting), (2010), NIH Cancer Genetics Study Section (1 meeting), (2010), NCI Integrative Cancer and Microenvironment Study Section, (2011), Shriner’s Hospital Research Institute, (2011), NCI Cancer Biology Study Section, (2012), Shriner’s Hospital Research Institute, (2012), NCI Oncological Sciences Fellowship Study Section (Chair, 3 meetings), 2012, DOD Discovery Awards-Genetic Cancers Panel, 2012, DOD Discovery Awards-Colon Cancer Panel, 2012, Shriner’s Hospital Research Institute, 2013, NCI Special Emphasis Panel, Cancer Biology (3 meetings), 2014, NIEHS Special Emphasis Panel, The Role of Environmental Exposures in the Development of Autoimmune Disease, 2014, NCI Oncological Sciences Fellowship Study Section, 2014, Shriner’s Hospital Research Institute, 2014, NIDCR Special Emphasis Panel, Targeting Co-Dependent Molecular Pathways in Oral Cancer, 2014, NCI Special Emphasis Panel, Cancer Biology, 2015, Shriner’s Hospital Research Institute, 2015, NCI Special Emphasis Panel, Cancer Biology (2 meetings), 2016, NICHD Special Emphasis Panel, Gynecologic Health and Disease, 2016; Program site visits/reviews: NCI Program Project Grant site visit (3 sites), (2002), NCI Intramural Mouse Cancer Genetics Program, (2003), NCI Program Project Grant site visit (3 sites), (2003), NIEHS Mouse Comparative Genomics Program, (2004), NCI Program Project Grant site visit (2 sites), (2004), NIEHS Center Program site visit (1 site), (2005), NIEHS National Toxicology Program, (2009), NCI Intramural Genetics Branch, (2017); Ad hoc grant reviews: USDA Animal Molecular Genetics and Gene Mapping; USDA Sustaining Animal Health and Well-Being; NSF Eukaryotic Genetics; Alberta Innovation and Science; US Department of Energy; Vanderbilt University Discovery Grant Program; NIH Immunological Sciences Study Section; Vanderbilt GI SPORE; Vanderbilt Diabetes Center; Wellcome Trust; Oak Ridge Associated Universities; Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program; Pennsylvania Cancer Research Program Performance Review; Research Grants Council of Hong Kong; L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France; Medical Research Council Grants Program, UK