PALM Network Grants
Improve your use of active learning in the classroom with the help of an experienced mentor!
Are you a postdoc looking for a teaching mentor? Or a faculty member interested in bringing active learning strategies into your classroom? The PALM (Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring) network grant helps pair you with an experienced active learning instructor and provides up to $2,000 per fellow, a $500 mentor stipend, and $1,000 meeting travel each for both fellow and mentor. GSA is a proud member of the PALM network, which is led by the American Society for Cell Biology.
PALM is an ASCB program funded by NSF Research Coordination Network in Undergraduate Biology Education grant #1624200.

When I was on the job market and interviewing at universities, I was often asked about the [PALM] program. I think people were interested, particularly at places where active learning techniques hadn’t been promoted much in the past. It certainly caught people’s eye, and it was helpful.
Genes to Genomes