Career Dev Toolkit

Looking for high-quality professional development resources to advance your career and become an active part of the scientific community? The Career Dev Toolkit is designed to provide early career scientists in life sciences with a centralized repository of professional development tools in a mixed media format.

The toolkit includes specially curated resources for skill and resume building, guided career exploration, blog posts written by subcommittee members and guests, and transcripts and videos from workshops. 

This resource has been developed by the Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee.

Career Development Resources on Genes to Genomes

Providing meaningful undergraduate research experiences-image

Providing meaningful undergraduate research experiences

By Melissa Drown Early career research experiences can be instrumental in leading science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors into scientific careers. Unfortunately, with limited time for mentoring and a high faculty-to-undergraduate student ratio, providing...

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by Early Career Scientist Committees

Career development through the lens of design-thinking-image

Career development through the lens of design-thinking

By Michelle Jonika After graduate school or a postdoc, the ultimate goal is to get a job. For some, the goal would be to stay in academia; for others, to transition to industry. Some have...

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by Early Career Scientist Committees

Continue your professional development with #WorkshopWednesdays!

Career Development Workshop Series

Join us every other month for virtual professional development workshops, designed to help early career scientists connect and plan their future careers.

Organized and moderated by the Career Development Subcommittee.

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ECS Weekly Newsletter

ECS Weekly Resources

The Early Career Scientist Weekly is a members-only email newsletter featuring resources, opportunities, and job listings tailored for students, postdocs, and others early in their career journey. The Resources section of the newsletter is written by members of the Early Career Scientist Subcommittees and focuses on career advice, professional development, networking, and DEI efforts. Sign up now to become a GSA member and access the newsletter.

#CareerDevToolkit on Twitter
