Buck Samuel, Chair, Baylor College of Medicine
Nick Buchler, North Carolina State University
Clement Chow, University of Utah
Emily Davenport, Penn State
Kathy Gould, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Teresa Lee, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Javier Tabima, Clark University
Jeffrey Thomas, ex officio, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Paul Trainor, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Anne Marie Mahoney, Staff Liaison
The DeLill Nasser Selection Committee selects recipients of GSA’s DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics. The committee reviews applications in two annual review cycles, with 10 awards distributed in each cycle. The committee ensures that the award recipients reflect the diversity of the genetics community to the extent that the application pool allows, including considering the demographics, geographic location, institution type, and model organism/subject matter of the applicants. The Chair is suggested to the President by the current Chair. The Committee is comprised of GSA members that reflect the diversity of research in genetics. The committee meets twice a year by phone to select the Awardees.