Equity and Inclusion Committee
Javier Huayta, Senior Co-chair, Duke University
Mardelle Atkins, Sam Houston State University
Hannah Grunwald, Harvard Medical School
Karen Hales, Davidson College
Joseph Hanly, Duke University/Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute/George Washington University
Laurel Hiatt, University of Utah
Katherine Leehy, Gustavus Adolphus College
Julianne Pelaez, Brandeis University
Pei-Chen Peng, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Cathie Pfleger, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Tânia Reis, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Estefania Sanchez Vasquez, California University of Technology
Priscilla Van Wynsberghe, Colgate University
Sylvia Vetrone, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
Ramin Yadegari, University of Arizona
Rochelle Yap, University of Georgia Athens
Kaitlyn Sudol, Staff Liaison
The Equity and Inclusion Committee recommends priorities, policies, and practices to ensure progress toward all of GSA’s programs and practices representing the needs of the diverse communities we serve. These recommended policies and practices should foster a welcoming, global, and inclusive culture supported by values, attitudes, and behaviors. The committee encourages Editors in Chief, Conference Committee Chairs, Meeting Organizers, Committee Chairs, other volunteers, and staff to enact recommended policies and practices to ensure appropriate diversity and inclusion in membership on appointed Boards, Committees, and Working Groups, along with fostering a culture inline with GSA’s values. It also monitors and reports on the progress of work in these areas.