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GENETICS Submissions

GENETICS publishes high-quality genetics and genomics research that expands scientific boundaries. GENETICS considers for publication manuscripts that are of general interest to a wide range of investigators or of extraordinary interest to specialists. The results presented must provide strong support for the conclusions reached. The study must also provide significant new insights into a biological process, or demonstrate novel and creative approaches to an important biological problem, or describe the development of new resources, methods, technologies, or tools of interest to a wide range of geneticists.

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G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics Submissions

G3 publishes high-quality foundational research, particularly studies that generate useful genetic information, such as mutant screens, single-gene studies, genome maps, genome sequence data, GWAS and QTL studies, software, data resources, and new methods. G3 offers the opportunity to publish the puzzling finding or to present unpublished results that may not have been submitted for review and publication due to a perceived lack of impact. As well as full-length Investigations, G3 provides structured article types for reporting mutant screen results, whole-genome sequence data, and software and data resources.

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Why publish with GSA?

We treat authors as colleagues, not adversaries. Your time is important—and so is your research. Peer editors oversee the review process and give you clear guidance on how to address any reviewer comments; our helpful editorial staff keep the process moving and on time. We make it easy to submit: no formatting requirements on initial submission. Our dedicated editors work hard to keep time to first decision at around a month. And because we’re agile and community-driven, we’ve long been at the forefront of publishing innovations.

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