
Accessibility in STEM (AiS) Workshop Series

This workshop series is organized and moderated by the ECLP Accessibility Subcommittee. It is designed for students and early career scientists in STEM to learn about the challenges of people with disabilities and ways to make the community more welcoming and inclusive.

Closed captioning is provided for each seminar using the Otter.ai software.

Upcoming Workshops

Improving accessibility in the postgraduate pipeline

July 12, 2024, 4:00–5:00 p.m. EDT

Pre-registration is required.

In this workshop moderated by Brian Kirz and organized by the GSA Early Career Scientist Accessibility Subcommittee, panelists Bonnie Jacob, Victoria Popov, Thomas Merritt, and Konan Blaise Koko explore gaps in the postgraduate pipeline of academia for disabled scientists and how we can better mentor and support them through the undergraduate to graduate transition and graduate experience, including with matters surrounding outreach, recruitment, and retention.


Bonnie Jacob, PhD

Rochester Institute of Technology

Konan Blaise Koko

Laurentian University

Thomas Merritt, PhD

Laurentian University

Victoria Popov

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

Past Workshops

“Creating and Maintaining Accessible Research Environments”

This is the second installment of a workshop series organized by GSA’s Accessibility Subcommittee. We have invited two/three experts that work on accessibility in STEM research across the United States to discuss best practices in making laboratory, field, and other workplaces more accessible. Through an interactive panel discussion, we will explore practical ways to make conducting STEM research more accessible for everyone, especially those with disabilities.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

“How to Make Teaching Accessible” 

Monday, October 17, 2022

The inaugural workshop of this series will feature experts that work on accessibility in STEM education across the United States and discuss best practices in inclusive teaching and universal design for accessible learning. Through an interactive panel discussion, the workshop will explore practical ways to make teaching accessible for everyone, especially those with disabilities.
