Using the tools of genetics and genomics, nearly 6,000 GSA members from more than 50 countries around the world investigate a wide variety of biological questions and applications.
Browse old issues of the GSA e-News by clicking on the links below. For more recent news from the Society, check out the latest edition of the GSA e-News or the Genes to Genomes blog. Between 2004 and 2014, GSA published the GENEtics newsletter, later renamed the GSA Reporter. See the GSA Reporter and GENEtics archives.
A new Associate Editor is joining GENETICS in the Statistical Genetics and Genomics section. We’re excited to welcome Pak Chung Sham to the editorial team.
A new Associate Editor is joining GENETICS in the Genome Integrity and Transmission section. We’re excited to welcome Bertrand Llorente to the editorial team.