Online Events

At GSA, we believe connection is the cornerstone of a strong scientific community. Through virtual seminars and workshops, GSA provides scientists with rich opportunities to learn, collaborate, and share—no matter where they are in the world.



Hear quick takes on important topics


Hear from inspiring minds in the field of genetics in GSA’s interview podcast series. Experts weigh in on important topics: the value of research organisms, their recent work, their award-recognized work, the importance of the scientific community, and more. We’ve summarized their insights into bite-sized “SNPets,” so you can discover and share interesting perspectives—even when you only have five minutes to spare.

Featuring speakers from North, Central, and South America

International Seminar Series

This series aims to showcase the high-quality research being conducted across the North, Central, and South American region, which covers diverse areas in genetics, and fosters interactions between research groups. The seminars will be hosted in collaboration with the Brazilian Genetics Society (SBG), Genetics Society of America (GSA), Latin American Association of Genetics (ALAG), and International Genetics Federation (IGF).

Build your skills

Career Development Workshop Series

Advance your professional development with #WorkshopWednesdays! Join the Career Development Subcommittee every other month for virtual professional development workshops, designed to help early career scientists connect and plan their future careers.

Zoom meeting
stage spotlights
Get inspired

GSA Award Seminars

GSA is pleased to host a series of online lectures by 2022 GSA Award recipients. Register now to listen to these stimulating talks!

Science in your language

Multilingual Seminar Series

This series will bring scientists together remotely for discussions on scientific and professional development topics in languages other than English.

This series will bring scientists together remotely for discussions on scientific and professional development topics in languages other than English.

video conference


colorful painting of hands
Make a difference

Inclusive Public Engagement for Geneticists

Learn more about engaging in two-way conversations with the public on the benefits and social and ethical implications of genetics. GSA’s partnership with the Personal Genome Education Project (pgEd) includes a series of online workshops.

Find new collaborators and connections

Exploring gene function across humans and model organisms

This series of seminars introduces opportunities for exploring gene function across humans and model organisms and provides tips and tutorials to help explore useful websites and databases.

interconnecting nodes in a network
Make the STEM community more inclusive for people with disabilities

Accessibility in STEM (AiS) Workshop Series

This workshop series is organized and moderated by the ECLP Accessibility Subcommittee. It is designed for students and early career scientists in STEM to learn about the challenges of people with disabilities and ways to make the community more welcoming and inclusive.

Learn more about Science Communication

Science Communication Workshop Series

Would you like to learn more about Science Communication and improve your scicomm skills?

Join us for workshops and panels that will allow you to expand your knowledge on how to communicate science both inside and outside of the academic setting.

Follow #GSASciComm on Twitter

Organized and moderated by the GSA Science Communication and Outreach Subcommittee.

See the latest event recordings
